Roses and Thorns.

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I wandered through a forest, and then I found a flower.

I'd never found a flower before, I didn't even know they were in the forest.

They weren't just any flower, but a rose.

Not too pretty, but still attracting any fool daring enough to come close.

I was one of those.

Not even noticing, I moved towards the flower.

I walked towards them, and the rose glistened in their light.

Next to them, a sunflower.

I hoped I could see both, be near both.

However, instead, the rose pricked their thorn right into the side of the sunflowers leaf.

The sunflower was gone, wilting away with no help from the rose as they turned to the sun yet again.

They let me come close, and it was fine at first, but they truly started to drain me.

Roses have thorns, as many know, however I didn't.

It seems the sunflower didn't either.

I got tired, laying my head on the rose, but suddenly, I was clinging.

It didn't seem to hurt the rose, yet still, they damaged me.

My fault, I suppose.

I walked right into that trap.

Even though there was pain scraping me, I kept on. Getting close to the flower, watching me wilt with their pull, against the judgement of the rose.

I was a lowly human, and even with my issues they would never be greater.

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