Dealing with Machines [Chapter 6]

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You followed the ink demon through a portal and you both stood in front of a large building with two colorful devices on each side of the entrance.

They looked like batteries.

"These...horrid...machines strip me...of my power...and force me...into a much...smaller...and weaker being..."

He picks you up and jumps onto the left battery thing.

Yelping at the sudden jump, you wrapped your arms around him and held onto him tightly.

"I need destroy them..." He said after he landed, staring at your face despite his lack of eyes.

"How?" You asked.

"There is...a small button's hard to miss..."

"Why do I have to do it?"

The Ink demon tried to push his finger into the hole where the button was, but couldn't reach.

"I don't...have you do...I have claws...they curl...and I cannot reach...the button..."

You looked into the hole, still holding onto the ink demon.

You saw the button he was talking about.

"This isn't going to shock me or something, is it?" You asked, turning to him.

The ink demon didn't say anything, his face shifted as if he were raising an eyebrow af your question.

You turned back to the battery and pressed the button.

It shot out colorful sparks before shutting down.


The Ink Demon grabbed you again and jumped over to the other battery, causing you to hold onto him again.

" the button...on this well..."

The battery started to charge up and you quickly looked for the hole.

As the battery grew brighter, the ink demon fell to the floor and began to wither away.

You pressed the button and the battery shut off.

The Ink Demon was bent over on the ground, growling.

You watched confused, wondering what he was doing.

Ink moved over his body and he slowly stood back up on his hooves.

"That...was too close..." He said.

Suddenly his head shot up and he moved over the edge of the roof.

Then he moved back a little bit.

You moved beside him and saw Audrey walking into the building.

You heart sank as you saw her.

"Why do I have to kill her...?" You asked, sadly.

"She...has to be an outside force...otherwise...the cycle will restart...when she dies..." The ink demon explained.

"If anything...other than you...kills would...restart everything...the cycle...would reset..."

"But you...are an outside force...the cycle will be broken...if she dies by your hands..."

You looked at the door Audrey went through sadly.

The ink demon let out a low growl.

"Need I remind you...that she...left my hands?..."

"She was scared." You snapped your head towards him.

The ink demon crawled towards you and got in your face.

"I saw the way...she spoke to you...when you two reunited..."

He started to circle around you.

"She...had such...a hateful her eyes... Her voice...was filled...with annoyance... You cannot deny
...that you...saw it as well..."

You looked down and your eyebrows furrowed.

"This world...can bring out...the worst in people...if they let it...Audrey...let it..." He growled.

"She...and the men...inside this building...are the reasons...that I...and the rest of the monsters...that lurk in the darkness...suffer..."

You sighed, knowing you were going to have to kill Audrey no matter what.

"What...What was happening to you as the battery thing glowed?"

The ink demon growled.

"I'm assuming...that you've seen...the little cutouts...of a demon cartoon...with cresent horns...yes?..."

You nodded.

"I was...turning into...a life size version...of the little cardboard demon..."

He moves a little closer to your face.

"It is like a shell...a cage...being forced to remain...cute and harmless..."

He said sounded disgusted with himself.

"I to break out...of that you can see... But I...won't have to worry...about that any longer..."

The Ink Demon stood up and picked you up again.

"We...must find you...a suitable weapon...with which you will kill Audrey..."

[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]

THE DEMON FROM WITHIN [Ink Demon x Female! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now