part 15

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Some people are seeting on their chair and the meeting have some time to start suddenly everything went silent and everyone stand up and said good evening sir

Thyme tell his secretary to start the meeting

So they started meeting

Meeting take 2 hours to end

Thyme :Deal is final mr shikhawat

Mr shikhawat: thank you mr pramana Tama

Seen shift

Nurse: doctor you have to do a surgery

Doctor:ok let's go

He started walking out from his cabin

Some nurses and some pasion are drooling on him because he was looking like an angle in his white coat

Time skip surgery completed

Nurse:Congratulations doctor ren
You succeed this surgery also you know this surgery is complicated and not any one want to this surgery but you did this

Ren: hmmmm

Seen shifted

Construction business

Mj and his secretary are doing some check on his new construction project the project is Thailand's biggest mall and this mall is owned by yn but he didn't know he only know that yn's family is the owner

The project is completed but he was checking that is everything is perfect or not

Seen shifted

Kavin is having lunch with his parents

Kavin dad: Kavin i think you should not live single whole life you should merry someone

Kavin didn't say anything

Kavin mother: yes you should merry someone

Kavin: mom i don't want to merry someone i love my yn

Kavin mother :yn is dead now

Kavin: mom (he shouted) he stopped eating and go to his room

Time skip one week later

Opening of yn's mall

Report: so hello everyone this is your news report we are hear to tell you all that Thailand's biggest mall is going to open we all are waiting for (yn's family surname)

All the biggest business men and women are here

Thyme,mj,Kavin and ren are also here

Suddenly 20 cars are come and all yn's family comes than all the flash light started to click their photos all the mersedes gone to parking lot

Suddenly black mate Mercedes come and one girl come out who is looking like a goddess,she looks badass but her facial expressions are like a angle and her face tells confidence and her facial expressions wants something

Something that's belongs to her

Something that's belongs to her

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Her nails

Her dress

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Her dress

Her makeup

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Her makeup

Everyone is stunned because of her beauty all the f4 are shocked because they all see yn they are so happy they want you to hug her but suddenly they all stoped because they see someone also comes out from the black mersedes he was so handsome

Everyone is stunned because of her beauty  all the f4 are shocked because they all see yn they are so happy they want you to hug her but suddenly they all stoped because they see someone also comes out from the black mersedes he was so handsome

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He comes out and huge yn's waist
Yn smiles and the boy (jeff) also smile yn's father says she is my daughter yn

All the camera men started clicking her picture because they didn't know where yn disappear they all got rumers that biggest business men in the Thailand's daughter is disappear

Author note: guys i want to tell you that whole world didn't know that yn got in any type of accident they only know that (yn's family surname) their daughter disappear they all got rumers like this because f4 don't want to tell anyone that yn is dead

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