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(An: Hello, this is going to be one of the first longer original stories I've posted so any feedback is welcome and appreciated. 

Special thanks to neverg0nnagiveuup for beta reading this for me, without you this might never have been posted; seriously, thank you.

    And now, I hope you all enjoy the story,
-T.A.L.A. )

       The throne room was silent, empty except for one woman and one man. The former who sat on the Queen's throne atop the dais, wore a large, intricately crafted dress, the red and gold fabrics shining boldly through the light of the polished windows like the thick bangles, necklace, earrings, and heavy crown she wore or the bejeweled cane she carried.  Her hair once dark brown, now was filled with strands of grey matching the color of her pale eyes. The chair next to her was empty.

     At the top of the stairs to the dais, at her feet, crouched a man, he had a very slight build and had short, red tinged, brown hair and bright green eyes, with his pale skin he looked almost sickly, but he was dressed in soft fabrics, wearing pale blues in much less bold colors, the outfit worn but well cared for.  Though his clothes were more modest, and although the handful of pieces of jewelry he wore were far smaller and less opulent than the Queen's, the craftsmanship of every stitch in the cloth and twist of the jewelry was unmatched.

      "Well, answer me Lord Amethyst Redroth, this will be your last opportunity!" The Queen demanded "You're the closest friend and advisor he has, he has to have said something.  I will not let him topple this empire with his reckless behavior."

     He flinched as the gilded cane whistled past and thudded harshly on the ground near where he crouched.

"Your majesty, please have mercy." The man started, his eyes searched the carpet before his eyes desperately for an answer which would satisfy the queen without betraying his dear friend, "I'm afraid I don't have much I can say on the matter, but I believe the problem may come simply because his highness the prince has gotten incredibly high standards from you, your majesty."

       Grey eyes watched him narrowly, suspiciously, "Continue."

        "I'm sure you are aware, having watched over him his whole life, that he shares little of his attitude with his father from his own youth.  I believe, the reason for your fears is simple prudence on his part.  That is to say, unlike his majesty the king, his highness is the sole heir to the throne.  Think of the honor the briefest of glances is to any young maiden, if he were to bestow too much attention so carelessly, that may disrupt the order which your marriage and rule has naturally brought to the kingdom. How could he not distance himself from the noble ladies of the kingdom, your son has the makings of a wise ruler, as you've keenly noted yourself on many occasions and has learned well from you.  However, since he's devoted himself so whole heartedly to maintain the balance you have created and amassing support for his future rule he has not the time to, well, to make the acquaintance of any of the young ladies well enough for romance to bloom." 

     The queen hummed in contemplation, "I see... that is reasonable."

      "His highness is still young-" Amethyst Redruth tried.

      "Nonsense, it is typical for royal marriages to be decided since birth, but since that wretched Princess of the north had to die, he's already reached adulthood without having married. I will not see my husband perish without meeting his grandchildren, do I make myself clear?"

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