CH 13. Old Past, Meet New Present

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It was around the early seventies, in the middle of the wilderness, a military base of operations rests. Below a control building, three closed-off holes were set in front of it. In the middle of the night, beams came down from above and forced them open. What came out, were three large missiles that began to rise toward the tractor beams

Inside, a blaring alarm went off as the facility flashed red over and over. A soldier rammed the door to the control room open and turned to his colleague, who sat at the control "I didn't authorize a launch! Abort! Abort!"

"We're not launching the nuke, sir. Somethings pulling them out of the silos!"

Coming through the clouds in all its glory, the Chimerian Hammer came down and was revealed to be the source of the beams. In the hangar of the military base, explosions were heard throughout as two Mechadroids attacked the base. Right behind them was Vilgax, who was without his upgrades

The alien searched around the room, looking for something specific until one of his Mechadroids was shot down from behind. Turning just in time, he deflected the shot that was meant for him, although it did push him back. Glaring at the one who shot him, he snarled "You..."

Both with helmets over their faces, they aimed their weapons at the warlord "It's over, Vilgax!"

"You're going down!"

"Many have tried, none have succeeded!" Vilgax replied, ready for a fight

"Until now, slimeball" One of them said before running forward without caution

"Phil, wait!"

Phil didn't listen to his partner, instead, he kept running toward Vilgax. From the hip, Phil shot his weapon as he ran. Vilgax avoided each and every shot until the man got close, once he was, he gave a swift kick to his body. The force knocked off the man's helmet

Vilgax picked the man up into a headlock and pointed his weapon toward his head. The final remaining Mechadroid hacked into the base's systems and forced the missile launch countdown to open. Just before the bot could hit the button, Vilgax told him not to

Turning back to the other soldier, Vilgax decided to negotiate "Back away, or watch one of your cities be destroyed" When Phil's partner made no motion to move, Vilgax pushed the weapon harder against his head "Put the weapon down

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Turning back to the other soldier, Vilgax decided to negotiate "Back away, or watch one of your cities be destroyed" When Phil's partner made no motion to move, Vilgax pushed the weapon harder against his head "Put the weapon down. Now!"

The soldier did as he was asked which set the one captive off in anger "You can't just let it get away!" He yelled still captive

"Never said I would, kid"

A compartment opened on his suit as a laser shot out and knocked Phil's gun out of Vilgax's hand. Phil quickly got out of his grip and moved away to safety. Vilgax shook off the attack just as his Mechadroid finished the hack and activated the nukes "You're too late"

"Wrong. My timing is perfect"

Kicking his rifle back to his hands. He aimed through the sights and shot a capture net made up of alien technology. Once the net caught Vilgax, he flew back into his Mechadroid along with it as they stuck to the rock. Vilgax began to panic and tried to rip his way out, but it was useless due to what it was made up of

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