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I wake up and everything feels surreal.The sun shines, but I feel no light.The people talk,but I hear no word.The music plays, but I feel no beat.Nothing feels real.
Like I am in a simulation,like I am in a reality show in front of 900000 people behind a screen.People around me don't feel like they are real or have their own life.Will I ever feel real?Not as if I am in a simulation?Is life really a thing?Can I do it?Can I feel it?Can I touch it?Will I ever have it?Is philosophy the language of life?Do I spread existentialism by asking questions to search for answers?
Life so unreal, it catches my attention sometimes.It gives me that little spark that I yarn for .Even if I know that I will die and that my existence is pointless, I still want to archive something, but why?What is that inner urge of mine that wants to achive something? Is it the thought of only living once? Is it the thought of making my future kid happy by them having a successful father?What is this urge and where does it come from?Why can't I just do nothing and rot in my pointless simulation?The whole day dedicated to just going to sleep and repeat the same thing all over again.Wake up,sleep,wake up,sleep,wake up.Always the same circle, no real direction.Just absence.Numbness,emotionless,pointless.Everything relatable to a simulation?But where is the ending?After I die?Or will I just get reborn?Circle of a whole lifetime?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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