The period... or was it

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Toni POV: Cheryl is on her period and she usually only has one a couple times a year because of her birth control and because she hates them she gets really bad cramps so she is not happy today, I went down stairs to get her a heat pack and when I got back in the room she was in the bathroom so I thought nothing of it and went to lay back down till I heard the sound of vomiting so I go over to the bathroom door and nock on it and I hear a little voice.

"Don't come in" Cheryl said sounding very week

"Baby are you ok do you need me at all" I said worried

I heard more sounds of vomiting and then I heard a bang so I open the door and and run over to her she had past out and had a slit on her forehead from hitting the corner of the sink I was so worried because this was definitely not from her period, so I pick her up bridal style and put a bandage on her head to stop the bleeding and rush her in the car braking all the speed limits to get to the hospital. she was still past out when they were Wheeling her away into a room I was crying because I didn't know what was wrong with my baby.

About two hours later the doctors woke me up and said that I can go to Cheryl's room, so I got up and followed her directions to Cher's room, as I walk in the room I felt my eyes fill with tears as I look at Cheryl, she looked so small in that bed and she was crying, I ran over to her and hugged her and just let her cry on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry baby I should have come in and no just sat down" Toni says crying still hugging Cheryl

"No my love I told you not to come in don't blame your self" Cheryl said wiping the tears from Toni's face

"I love you so much I could never lose you" Toni said slightly chuckling to her self

"I love you to and you will never lose me" Cheryl said very carefully

I got in bed with Cheryl since her vomiting had stopped from the medication turns out she had appendicitis and she had to stay for the night so they can make sure the medicine is working.
It was getting late and Cheryl couldn't sleep so I decided I was going to sing her a song.

"You know nothing really means the same after You
It's like the world just changed to my view
But now I know you,
And I won't let go
Because all you have to do is same my name to get me crazy
Think about the words you used to say to get me baby"

And with that she was fast asleep with her head tucked in my neck and her legs over my lap. While I sat there and watched as she was so peaceful and carefree, I could feel her warm breath hit my skin and that clam light snore she makes when she is sleeping making me fall asleep to.

———- the next morning
                                                                                       Cheryl's POV

I wake up to Toni kissing my lips and I kiss back, I know Toni acts like she's this big back gang member but she is actually the sweetest person I know she is my big softy not that Toni would say it out lowed but she knows it.

"Morning my love" Cheryl said with her cute morning voice

"Morning" Toni said giggling

"What's so funny T" Cheryl said a bit confused

"Nothing baby I just love you cute morning voice" Toni said bopping Cher's nose

"Oh ok" Cheryl says going the girl with her giggles

After that the girls got all Cheryl's stuff ready and headed back to there house were Toni ran to the cupboard and got out a tub of Nutella,two spoons, a blanket and her computer then ran back to Cheryl and picked her up bridal style again and sat on the couch sitting Cheryl between her legs and the computer on her lap so that they can watch movies and eat Nutella all day.
Cheryl smiles at her girlfriends doing and kissed her, till Cheryl's cramps started getting worse.

"Ugggh baby The cramps are getting worse" Cheryl said in agony

"Ok my love I'm be right back" Toni said with a small smile

Toni got up and grabbed some pills and a hot water bottle but not before making them some tea because it's both there favourite, then she went back to Cheryl and gave her the pills, tea and hot water bottle then snuggled up To her were they fell asleep in each other's embrace.

The next morning.
                                                                                             Toni POV

Toni woke up to the sound of the shower running so she got out of bed and was about to make it when she sore a pool of period blood on the sheets so she changed the bedding then got dressed and headed down the stairs to make Cher's favourite breakfast,(blueberry pancakes with maple bacon) and then Cheryl came down the stairs,

"Thanks for changing the sheets my love" Cheryl said as she walk over to Toni and hugs her from behind as she is cooking the pancakes

"Always" Toni said as she turned her head and kissed Cheryl

"Wow how lucky am I" Cher says kissing Toni's neck

"Just as lucky as I am" Toni confessed

"Can I help make breakfast" Cheryl asked with her bottom lip out coz she was sure Toni would say no

"No you are going to sit in bed and I'll bring it to you when I'm done" Toni said

"Ok my love but if you need help just tell me it's a period I didn't just have surgery remember" Cheryl smiles shaking her head then kissing Toni one final time before going up stairs and sitting in bed.

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