The Wedding Day !!!!!!

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Alexa's POV

I sat up in bed stretching my arms and legs. A smiled formed to my face when I thought about last night and the day I had spent with Richard. Whenever I thought about him I couldn't help but smile. He just gave me that feeling. I looked out my window and saw the sun shining in today was going to be a good day. I made up my mind that I wasn't going to go to Mrs. Sliders wedding. I was still Pissed a Derek he hasn't even tried to say sorry. I know I know it sounds bad that I actually want him to try to win me back. We are after all best friends he could put a little more effort into it. I didn't care if today was going to be a hard day for him. Even though he was happy for his mom and he really liked the guy she was getting married to I knew it still hurt him that his dad was no longer with them. 

Even though I said I didn't care I knew it was a lie, a big one and somewere in the back of my head I knew that deep down in my heart I was only lying to myself. All of the sudden my doorbell rang. I oppened my door to see a guy standing outside my house wearing a FedEx uniform. Holding a box.

"uh can I help you?"

"Are you Alexa?"

"Um Yes, but I...'

"Can you sign here and here for me."

"Sorry but I think you have the wrong person I didn't order anything."

"No ma"m we make no mistakes. Just sign right here please."

"ok" as I did so the man handed me a package. I quickly opened it up. My eyes widened as I saw what was inside. It was the camara I had been saving up for since last year. The camera I had now was fine but I wanted a more professional camera since I was going to start photography classes this year. The Camera it's self cost 996 dollars. I begged my parents to get it for me but the told me they wanted me to work for it and so I did by babysitting whenever I got the chance which wasn't very often. Next to the camera was a letter that had my name on it. I opened it up quickly to see who the heck this gift was from. The not read

My dearest  Al. I made a super big mistake and I just wanted to say im sorry. Sorry for everything and the pain I caused you. It was all my fault I was just being a douche bag. I knew you wouldn't open the door for me so I had to deliver it. I don't blame you for being mad at me but I beg you to forgive me I don't know what I would do without you. Please come to the wedding I don't think I could make it through the whole thing without you Please Please come.

"Your best friend Derek.... I hope."

 By the time I was done reading the letter I had tears down my face. How could I have been so stupid yes he messed up but everyone does were only human I guess I had just forgotten, He was my best friend and today he needed me more than ever. I looked down at my watch "crap the wedding starts in 20 minutes god I hope I can make it."

Derek's POV

 I was pacing around the dressing room in 10 minutes the wedding was going to start and Al still wasnt here. To be honest I don't blame her for not coming buy I pray to God that she would still forgive me. I sat down on a seat that was in my room, I put my hands in my face. I swallowed the lump that was in my throat I couldn't go through the wedding if Al wasn't here I needed her to keep me calm. She just had that effect on me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder. I jumped from my chair and pulled Al into a tight hug.

"Derek I can't breathe your choking me."

I quickly let her go and looked down at her.She was wearing the blue strapless bridesmaid dress and it matched her eyes perfectly. Her dirty blond hair was curled into little ringlets. And even though she didn't have any makeup on she still looked pretty to me. She never wore makeup she was comfortable without it and thats what I loved about her.

"Al Im so sorry, you have no Idea I was just be........"

"Derek it's ok everyone screws up lord know how many times I have."

"So you forgive me?"

"Of course I could never stay mad at you" I heard a knock on the door.

"come in!" My mom appeared at the door wearing a strapless wedding dress that flowed to the ground. My mom looked beautiful. I heard Alexa gasp as she went running over to my mom.

" Mrs. S you look so gorgeous." My mom pulled Alexa into a hug" thank you my darling, you look quite beautiful yourself. That dress is perfect for you."

Then she glanced my way, I walked over to were she was and pulled my mom into a tight hug,

"You really look amazing mom" I chocked saying the last part thinking how my mom was getting married.

'Thank you Derek you look so handsome your dad would be proud. I looked into my moms eyes and saw tears forming. She quickly wiped them away. I knew she would always love my dad but she also found love somewere else and I was happy for her.

Its about to start are you two ready?

Of course we are Mrs. S

we started heading out the door and lined up were all the other bridesmaid's and grooms were. Alexa and I got in our places. We were going to be the last ones before my mom walked down. The music started and I really didn't feel like walking down the aisle. all of the sudden I felt a hand squeeze mine. I looked up at Al who had some tears in her eyes. She had this smile on her face that said everything. It said im happy for your mom, but sad too, don't worry Derek everything is going to be ok were gonna get through this together.

       I know, you probably never knew a smile could say so much. But thats what she was saying. I smiled back at her. It was our turn to take the walk down the aisle together. She put her arm through mine and we started walking.

We finally got to the part were we had to go our separate ways, then everyone stood up and my mom came down the aisle. She looked beautiful and I was proud to be her son. She had the biggest smile on her face she truly was happy and so was I. No, no one could replace my dad but it would be nice to have another man in the house. I looked over at Al who was smiling at my mom with this dazed look in her eye.

After the service was over it was time for the reception diner I was just happy I got through the first part of the wedding no it was time for the second part..................................


Hey guys sorry it forever to update school has been aweful beyond belief and also had to take care of some other stuff. I know this chapter is short and super boring but ill update really soon I promise. Please comment and tell me what ya think I would love to hear feedback good or bad. Just any feedback would be awesome anyway......

Have an Awesome week Guys <3

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