Chapter 3 The First Domino Falls

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Authors notes
Hello everyone Vash here with the next chapter. The exposition heavy chapters are over and done with so now we can move to the start of Izuku's renewed adventure. So let's begin.

Chapter 3 the first domino falls

As Izuku gave his compliance the rest of the table smiled and Discord snapped his fingers. "Very well my young warrior, let's jump into it, all the time in the world to waste, so let's not." He said as the club wobbled from the boy's vision as he suddenly found himself back in Japan, but everything seemed to be frozen in time.

As Izuku looked around he noticed his mother standing frozen next to him, but something was off, she looked younger, she wasn't as he remembered. She looked to be in between the time when he was first diagnosed quirk-less and the time when he received One For All, she wasn't as plump as her older years but not as skinny as her younger years. "W..wait we went back in time?" He said as he looked himself over noticing he was returned to an earlier time of his life when he hadn't gone through All Might's training. "I'm much younger. What part of my life are we at?" He asked the gods who were floating next to him.

Eris gave the boy a sultry smile. "Well dear we brought you back to the point in time of your life we're you could start to make the biggest impact with chaos." She explained. "We could have simply brought you back to the moment you died and been done with it all, but you had already made your mark at that point and With no more major threats to the world for awhile, the amount of fun you could have would be limited." She said with a shrug.

Genie nodded. "Yup plus didn't you hear me when I said that you needed to give all for one a wedgie? Can't do that if he is already dead so I expect you make him squeal at the indignity of it all. I want to get pictures." He said pulling out a disposable camera from the 1990s

The boy seemed to be thinking hard at where he was. "This seems like downtown Mustafu by the station.... Why was this place and time the best for starting my life over?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

Discord grew a Cheshire grin. "Well if you would remember from your childhood, right down that street." He said pointing to the street to the left. "There is a fight going on between a villain and a hero currently." He explained bringing his fingers together than out somehow zooming the air forward like a touchscreen, the zoomed in affect showed a buff man in a silver eye mask with a green cape fighting a villain. "And while we don't expect you to fight a villain at the moment, this is still the best time for some exposure." He said his grin turning feral

Buggs nodded. "Yup it's time to awaken your quirk that isn't a quirk." He said munching on another carrot.

Izuku looked at the rabbit with surprise. "Wait your giving me a quirk? What kind?" He asked excitedly.

The rabbit chuckled. "Heh easy der bucko, we ain't giving you a quirk, we is gonna give you a little of the old chaos power we been talkin about. It'll look like a quirk, act like a quirk, even quack like a quirk, but it ain't a quirk." He explained

Genie pooped in front of the boy wearing a nurse's uniform. "Ok now say ahh." He said as he forced Izuku's mouth open and tossed a transparent pill in before the boy could object.

Izuku than started to cough widely as he tried to keep down the pill he was force fed. "Bleh...what was that?" He asked with tears straining his eyes.

Time started to move again but very slowly as bill floated in front of Midoriya. "At this moment the hero Crust is battling a no name villain." He said as the hero and villain slowly came into view, crust than punched the villain launching it towards a nearby car. "In the original timeline that car was crushed and the villain was arrested shortly after, but in this timeline." He said as he reached into a portal and pulled out what looked to be a handbrake. "That car is no longer in park and instead is very ready to be smacked down the street." He explained as the villain hit the car and it slowly started rolling down the street.

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