The Worry List { A One Direction Songfic }

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My entry for XxTurquoisePearlsxX 's songfic contest. She gave me The Worry List by Blue October, which is one of my favorite song by one of my favorite bands! :) Without further ado, The Worry List. 

(Parts that are italicized means its a memory or flashback, bold means a letter)

Zayn stalked through his flat, a fire in his eyes and a throbbing in his heart. His breaths were shallow and uneven, and his steps heavy and quick. His eyes darted around the room, open wide but seeing nothing. All he could see was the memory of angry words just exchanged.

Zayn entered his girlfriend's flat to find her curled up on the couch, eyes rimmed with red as she stared blankly at the wall. He quickly took up a spot beside her, concern shining in his warm brown eyes. He reached over and pulled her into a hug, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. Much to his dismay, she scooted away as soon as he loosened his grip, eyes still glued to the ground. 

"Babe, what's wrong?" Her eyes flicked to him, then back to the ground. 

"Perrie called while you were out. She told me some things that I guess I already knew." She sniffled. 

Zayn felt anger begin to rise in the pit of his stomach. "What did she say?" He asked, trying to gauge her reaction. He and Perrie had a messy break up 4 months ago, but that didn't give her the right to terrorize his girlfriend.  

His Kaela. 

"She told me about your motives. Your intentions." She murmured, and the anger rose even more. 

"And why does it matter what she says?" He asked, trying to keep the anger out of his voice as he attempted to catch Kaela's downcast eyes. 

"Because. Deep down, I knew it was all true. I had just hoped it wasn't." She replied, finally meeting his eyes. Zayn was surprised to see anger and hurt swirling in their green depths. 

She jumped to her feet and made her way toward the kitchen, Zayn following close behind, trying to figure out what exactly this spat was about. He didn't have to wait long. 

Kaela spun around to face him, full lips set into a hard line. 

"You're only dating me because you're still upset over your breakup with Perrie. You don't love me for me." She said, standing as tall as her 5 foot frame would let her. Zayn's eyes widened, and he took a step toward her. She backed away, hostility clear in her face. 

"That is not true. I love you more than I ever loved her." He tried to reassure her, but she she rolled her eyes, which were beginning to glisten with unshed tears. 

"That's what they all say. That's the standard excuse when they know they've been found out. So why don't you just come out and say it!?" Her voice quickly rose to a yell, and she was once again facing him, her smouldering green eyes burning into his. 

"That is not true. Perrie is lying to you!" He defended, the anger now tinting his voice. 

"You called me Perrie when you were half asleep and cuddling me! You told me, and I quote, "I love you more than anyone else, Perrie." How do you explain that?!" She was screaming by the end, standing on her toes so she could get in Zayn's face. He fired right back at her, no longer hiding the raging anger. 

"Fine! Guilty as fucking charged! When Perrie and I first broke up, I was looking for someone to cover the loneliness. And then I found you. But the longer I dated you, the more I grew to love you!" He tried to explain, but Kaela laughed a mirthless 'ha!' 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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