Chapter 1

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For the first volume in this series, THE EXCITING ADVENTURES OF SALLYMAE HOGSBY, go to or just do a search on "Sallymae Hogsby"



by KC

Chapter 1

Sallymae Hogsby felt very sleepy, and so lay down in the grass at the side of the road and began to dream.

She was walking along a path thru a woods. At the end of the path was a cottage with a woman sitting at the window. As Sallymae reached the cottage, the woman said, “Welcome, I am Zola. Come inside and we’ll look at your future.”

Once inside, Zola directed Sallymae to a chair at a table with a crystal ball in the center. Together they stared into the crystal. At first there was darkness, and then an image of stars above a road. A light on the horizon looked like the moon about to rise, but as it rose, it wasn’t the moon, but instead a glowing duck’s head. Then the crystal ball went blank.

Sallymae looked at Zola and asked, “What does it mean?”

Zola smiled at Sallymae and said, “I said we’d look at your future, I never said anything about explaining it. What that she laughed, and Sallymae woke up in the grass at the side of the road, remembering only that she’d had a strange dream, but not what it was about.

Sallymae had just stood up and was stretching when a van drove up and stopped.

“Oh hi,” said Sallymae as she tried to understand the deep hidden meaning in the design on the side of the van. At first it seemed to be symbolic of the universe in creation, but the ducks with sledge hammers seemed to rule out that theory. But then again…

Then Sallymae noticed that she had been gagged, tied, blindfolded and thrown face down into the back of the van, and so decided to think about something other than the deep hidden meaning in the design on the side of the van in which she was now a hostage.

“What do you want with me?” asked Sallymae, but then remembered that she had been gagged, and so wasn’t surprised when no one seemed to understand her. Actually, Sallymae had no idea who had taken her hostage, nor how many of them there were. She had been so busy contemplating the design, that she hadn’t seen anyone, and now that she was gagged, tied, blindfolded and face down, she doubted that she could easily find out any information, except maybe by listening. She tried this, but heard nothing but the engine of the van.