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As you stepped off the helicopter, the roar of its engines faded into the distance. You had been on an undercover mission for two long months, far away from the familiar sights and faces of your team, and now you were back on home soil. Anticipation and excitement filled your chest as you looked around the base. It had been a while, and you were eager to see Ghost. The past two months had been challenging and dangerous, but you had managed to obtain the crucial intel needed for your mission. Price had decided to bring you back early, giving you some much-needed rest. You couldn't wait to see Ghost, you always enjoyed telling him about your missions.

With each step down the familiar hallway that led to your and Ghost's room, your heart pounded in your chest. The thought of him waiting for you inside brought a warm smile to your face. You reached for the key, slipping it into the lock with anticipation. The door swung open, and you walked in quietly, not wanting to wake him if he was asleep. What you found inside made your smile vanish as if it had never existed. There, in your shared bed, was another woman, fast asleep next to Ghost, his arm draped over her waist.

Shock, disbelief, and hurt coursed through your veins as you laid eyes on Ghost and the woman. The two of them, tangled in the sheets. As Ghost woke up, his eyes met yours, and for a fleeting moment, his face registered shock. He was frozen in place for a few seconds, but as you turned away without uttering a word, his desperation broke the silence. He shot out of bed, calling your name, desperately trying to explain. His fingers closed around your arm, and he turned you to face him. In that moment, you couldn't bear to look into his eyes. You used the momentum to deliver a swift, hard punch to his face, your knuckles making contact with his nose. Blood instantly began to trickle from his nostrils, staining his face red.

"Fuck you," you spat out, your voice filled with a mixture of anger and heartache. Without another word, you tore your arm from his grasp and continued walking towards Price's office. The sound of Ghost's voice cursing to himself faded into the distance as you turned the corner. You burst into his office, your emotions raw and your voice trembling with anger and betrayal. He looked up from his papers, his usually stoic expression shifting to one of concern as he saw the turmoil in your eyes.

"Did you know?" You practically screamed at him, not even bothering with a greeting. "Did you know that Ghost was cheating on me all this time?"

Price let out a heavy sigh and leaned back in his chair. "Yes," he admitted, his voice steady but regretful. "I found out some time ago, and I spoke to Ghost about it. I made it clear that he needed to put an end to it and that he needed to tell you."

Your heart sank as the words spilled from his lips "And you kept this from me?" you demanded, your voice quivering with a mixture of anger and hurt. "For how long?"

Price met your gaze squarely. "A year...I kept it from you because it wasn't my place to tell you. Ghost needed to come clean himself," he explained. "I brought you back early from the mission because I felt it was time for the truth to come out. Ghost wasn't expecting you for another week."

Your mind reeled with the shock of the revelation. "A year," you muttered, disbelief coloring your voice. "He's been cheating on me for a year?"

Price nodded solemnly, his expression filled with sympathy. "I'm sorry, Y/n," he said sincerely. "I should have told you, but I thought it was Ghost's responsibility to come clean. I apologize for not handling this better."

You couldn't help but feel a mix of anger towards Ghost and disappointment in Price for keeping this from you. "Did the rest of the task force know?" you asked, wondering just how many people were aware of Ghost's infidelity.

"Yes." You couldn't help but feel like the ground was shifting beneath your feet. You felt a wave of anger and betrayal wash over you.

Price's voice was tinged with regret as he continued, "Gaz has known for a couple of months, but he didn't know how to tell you. He struggled with it Y/n, and I suppose in the end, he thought it was Ghost's responsibility to confess. As for Soap, he only found out two weeks ago. He was furious and demanded to get a secure line to talk to you, but I informed him that I was already planning to bring you back early to address the situation. We thought it should come from Ghost himself; Soap agreed to wait."

Your emotions were a chaotic whirlwind as you tried to process it all. The people you had considered your closest allies, your family, had known about this betrayal, and they had been hesitant to tell you. You were overwhelmed with a sense of betrayal by not just Ghost but also by your teammates. Your anger began to bubble up, directed not only at Ghost but also at Gaz and Price. You wish Price would have given Soap a secure line. How could they have kept this from you? The frustration and disappointment swirled within you, and you felt like you were drowning.

With regret in his eyes, Price watched as you slumped in the chair, defeated by the weight of what Ghost and the team hid from you. He knew he couldn't undo the damage that had been done, but he was determined to offer you a way out of the turmoil, even if just temporarily. Price reached into the drawer next to him, retrieving a file. He leaned forward slightly, placing it on the desk in front of you.

"I had been holding off on this mission, not planning to assign it until next month. But if you're looking for a distraction, a way to get away from all of this, then you have the option to take the job now or wait."

Your eyes shifted toward the folder, noticing the words "highly classified" stamped across its surface. Curiosity tinged with a glimmer of hope sparked within you. You wanted something to take your mind off the mess that had become your life. You needed a mission. You wanted to get away from all this.

Cautiously, you asked Price, "What makes this mission different from the others I've been on?"

Price leaned back in his chair, his expression grave. "This mission isn't like the others where you infiltrated cartels or executed takedowns," he explained. "You'll be infiltrating the Russians on this one, Y/n. More specifically, Konni. Going into this operation carries a significant risk, and neither Laswell nor I were eager to take this gamble with you. But the fact remains that you are the only one who speaks Russian. Your the only one who can do this."

Intrigued and eager for a fresh start, you reached for the folder, your fingers trembling slightly as you prepared to delve into the highly classified details of this new mission, hoping it would offer you the escape you so desperately needed.

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