Chapter 4: The Three Tests

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The group walked towards the forest, still reeling from the intense battle with Lancelot. They were all feeling a mix of emotions - relief that they had won, awe at the display of swordsmanship, and concern for Sonic's well-being. As they walked, they discussed their next steps, and what they needed to do to complete the tasks set out by King Arthur.

"I still can't believe we just encountered a knight that looked just like Shadow." Jet commented, still in shock. "Who has a son, on top of that!"
"I know. It must've been like fighting a mirror." Blaze replied.

"More like a dark reflection of me." Shadow spoke, still feeling a bit shaken from the battle. "But we can't dwell on that. We still have a mission to complete."
"When he saw me, he called me 'Galahad'." Silver thought out loud. "Do you think he looks like me?"

"I dunno, maybe." Sonic shrugged, as he continued to talk to Caliburn, who was out of the scabbard. "Feeling better?"
Caliburn looked up at Sonic, his eyes still a bit weary.
"Yes, I am feeling much better now. Thank you for asking."
"Of course. You did great out there, you know." Sonic replied, smiling at the sword.

"Speaking of which, how are you feeling?" Silver asked worriedly.
"I'm feeling fine. I recover easy. They don't call me the fastest thing alive for nothing." He replied confidently with a thumbs up, but he was still slightly wobbling around from the battle.

"I can't believe he was really one of the Knights of the Round Table."
"The mightiest of all, and the closest to King Arthur. It was mere luck that enabled thee to hold on for as long as you did, as well as for your friend to defeat him." Caliburn mentioned Shadow, who was taking deep breaths to calm down from the battle.
"If you say so..." The blue hedgehog shrugged.

"But, why did thou not deal him the final blow?" The sword asked the black hedgehog.
"I couldn't bring myself to do it. He may have been our enemy, and he may have looked like me, but he has a family. A son who needs him. I couldn't take that away from him." Shadow replied, his voice firm.
"Wow, Shadow. That's really noble of you." Blaze commented, looking at the black hedgehog with respect.

"As much as I admire the reason, such sympathy is an insult to a knight."
"Insult or not, it was the right thing to do." Sonic replied to the sentient sword, as he pulled Arondight from Shadow's scabbard. "What's the big deal, anyway? Besides, we got this, didn't we?"

"That is Arondight, one of the sacred swords of this land, as well as the sharpest. It's said that her blade never loses its edge. Take good care of her."
"No problem. Wait, what do you mean by...?"
"Don't tell me." Shadow stopped mid tracks. "He talks as well."

"Excuse me?" A part of the sword's hilt opened to reveal an offended face, and it nearly made Shadow jump out of his skin, as the sword floated to his face and continued. "I have a preference, thank you!" Shadow looked dumbfounded not by the fact that Arondight could also speak, but it had a female voice.

"It's a SHE??"
"You have a problem with that, squire?" Arondight retorted. "If thou wanted me to talk to you, you could hath just asked."

"Ah, Lady Arondight, as sharp as ever I see." Caliburn intervened, trying to smooth things over. The female sword looked to see him, and her expression turned uncertain.
"Oh. Le soi-disant "Traître de la Couronne"..."

"Nice to see you too, old friend." Caliburn greeted the sword, looking a bit uncomfortable. "I see you art upset."
"Of course I am. The king said you betrayed him and the kingdom. How could I not be upset?"
"Lady Arondight, please. There is more to the story than what you have been told." Caliburn replied, his voice gentle. "I wish to make amends for what happened in the past, and work towards a better future for all of us. Canst you not find it in thy heart to forgive me?"

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