first note story

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This one has MV of Ghost Rider in a Pony town lab.

Hearing the sirens wail loudly, you looked around wildly. Looking out the cell door all you saw were red flashing lights, every second or two the entire lab lit up all in crimson light. Trapped in the cell you banged in the door, having a panic attack. It was getting worse with each sound of the sirens. No one was in the cell with you, just you, all alone. You were the nicest subject out of them all, the rest were code named 'Red' or 'Black'. Tears began to weld up in your eyes. You didn't know what was going on... There was a crash of metal on metal. You didn't move, you only stepped backwards, covering your ears. The noise was getting so loud... Till you saw a burst of orange light. It wasn't red this time... It was warm, it wasn't cold.. You opened your eyes to find a black, charred skull on fire with black and deep red colors in the fire. It was wearing a leather jacket. He was tearing the door off the wall. With one final grasp, the door came flying off. It hit the wall behind him, making a even louder contact noise then the one you heard before. He lifted his fire head up, or basically down to you. He was massive... You only looked up with fear and awe. He grabbed your hand and swept you off your feet. He then began to run. The lock down had kept you in your cell for a mater of days. You had food in there. It was cake.. But it was better than nothing. Now you saw why the sirens were going off. The red flashing lights illuminated the lab... But the firey orange light from the skull was more overbearing. Bodies lie on the ground, blood drenched, and lifeless. Fire was everywhere... But it wasn't normal fire, it glown purple. The gas.. Poison gas was used to execute lethal subjects that the scientists couldn't handle. The was a explosion somewhere in the lab. It shook the entire building, throwing the skull man to his knee.. But he got back up and kept running... His spiked gloves gripped onto me tightly. He wasn't going to let me go. He turned and kicked down two double wide doors open and bolted through. The gas was more powerful here. I went into a serious of coughs. My lungs couldn't take the gasses nor the smoke filled with it. He tucked my head to his chest... It didn't burn from his flames licking and crackling from his head. It drowned out the gas. We made another turn, this room smelled of blood, and meat... I shivered and swallowed back my gag reflex. I couldn't see, nor did I want too. The fire skull man didn't say anything, just the sounds of the sirens and the fire crackling around us were heard. His fire crackled and popped just as loud, but his heavy bootsteps were drowning out the background noise. They were so loud, so meaningful, so... Urgent. Running, he continued. I just kept my face buried in his leather coat. I wasn't special like other subjects. I didn't have abilities, nothing. I am plain, but I was dead before.. I have been dead before, but I come back each time. Healing capabilities were amazing for me the scientists said. So maybe that's why I was here. Maybe that's why [𝙍𝙀𝘿𝘼𝘾𝙏𝙀𝘿] sent me here. Or maybe there was something more to me, but I seriously doubt it.
Finally we had made it outside. I was let go and I fell onto grass. Nice, green grass... Real grass.. It wasn't fake this time. I sunk into the grass, feeling it's liveliness press against my back.. Against my torn clothes. It was real out here, safe almost.. But your never safe as a subject. But at least I got to feel grass once more. I looked up to see the fire skull running back into the burning lab.. He was nice.. He was the guard there, and he must have been the only humane person there.. Sadly. I soon heard the others that made it out behind me. I turned around to see them.. Burnt, and hurt. They weren't so big and bad when they were hurt, now were they? I watched them silently... Not making a peep. Soon the skull man came back. He was carrying a doctor.. He dropped them on the grass too, and then went to the doors, slamming them closed and locking them. He hurried back and made a motion for everyone to get down. I understood and got down and covered my head. Then there was a rumble, then the lab shook and blew up with purple flames. I coughed as ashes rained down. All the others that didn't see the skull man make a motion to get down were blown a few feet away with the force of the explosion. I looked around and stood up wobbly.. Everyone else was hurt by a lot.. I only had a scratch or two.. I backed away from everyone else.. Suddenly realizing that I was at major risk.. The doctors are injured, and don't have the power to stop any of the subjects from attacking me. I kept backing up till my back hit a wall.. I turned and saw the guard.. He pulled me behind him.. And I peeked out from behind him.

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