Chapter 1: The Two Suitors

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Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) : Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Gloria is a young woman dedicated to her faith and her community, and every Sunday morning, she goes to Saint Matthew's Church to sing in the church choir. She has an angelic voice that touches the hearts of all who hear her, and she is highly regarded within the congregation. However, these Sunday mornings have become more complicated for Gloria as she finds herself at the center of attention from two potential suitors.

The two men in question, Frank and Henry, are both deeply involved in the life of the church. Frank is a successful businessman who dedicates a significant portion of his time and resources to the Church, while Henry, also known as "the brother with the green shirt" due to his loyalty to his favorite shirt, is a humble and hardworking man, beloved by all for his kindness and dedication to the Church.

Gloria is in a delicate situation because she doesn't know how to choose between these two men who have both made an extraordinary impression on her. Each of them has unique qualities and charm, and Gloria is torn between her budding feelings for both of them. She doesn't want to hurt either of them or jeopardize the harmony of the congregation.

One Sunday afternoon, Gloria decides to seek advice from the church pastor, a wise and compassionate woman. The pastor listens carefully and reminds her of the importance of seeking God's will in such a crucial decision. She advises Gloria to pray fervently so that the Holy Spirit may reveal the name of her future spouse.

So, Gloria leaves the pastor's office, determined to follow her advice. She decides to fast and pray for three consecutive days, seeking divine guidance for her future. She asks the Lord to show her the way, to provide a clear sign to choose between Frank and Henry.

The three days of fasting and prayer are intense for Gloria. She immerses herself deeply in meditation and worship, imploring the Holy Spirit to enlighten her. She seeks answers, inner peace, and the confidence that her decision will be the right one. At the end of this fast, she receives a revelation, but she is not ready to accept the answer.

Gloria has a decision to make, one that will change the course of her life and the lives of the two men who are courting her.

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