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'Hm. Kenji is lowermoon 2. Hagakure is lowermoon 1. The upper ranks have yet to be established, what do you think- Muzan-sama~'
Y/n ignored how hagakure held onto her bicep and tilted her head ever so slightly.

"I AM HERE!" The door slammed open and Y/n broke her concentration.
She shot hagakure a look and the girl instantly jumped to her seat.

There stood toshinori in his buff form with a large smile.

"Hope you're ready to return to our lessons. Today it's Hero Basic Training."

Y/n leaned on her arm as she sat, silently listening.

"Feels like I haven't seen you in a while." He whispered to himself before continuing

"Welcome back. Now then. Listen carefully for what's in store. We're going to be conducting a little race. Take everything you've learned from your internships and apply it to this rescue training."

The class looked more alive at the mention of internships.

"If it's rescue training, then shouldn't we be at the USJ instead?"
Y/n didn't bother turning around to see who spoke and just gazed ahead as her stomach tightened on itself.

Seems like with the increase in strength she had been given by her beloved Muzan-sama it had come with an increase in hunger...

So much prey for her to feast on, completely oblivious and unaware that a creature such as she could exist.

"-But try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum, please."

"Why're you pointing at me?" Bakugo called out, his face scrunching up with annoyance.

Y/n got out of her chair as she followed the rest of the students to get their gear and head to the locker rooms to get changed.

It didn't take long for her to get changed given that she had gotten used to figuring out her costume.

"Ack!" A noise came from behind just as she finished putting on her sleeve.

Turning around, Y/n quickly caught the body that crashed into her.

"Are you alright?" Y/n asked, Muzan rolled his eyes in disgust.
"Pathetic." Yet he said nothing else, only watching in distaste.

Momo froze before managing to correct her position and gripping onto her shoulders to stabilise herself while furiously apologising.

The tips of her ears a violent shade of red as she tried to cover them up along with her embarrassment.

"Come on girls! Unless, you two do look comfortable in that position" Mina called out teasingly yet her face had a dark tint to it along with a pout on her lips.

"It's noting like that Mina" Y/n smiled, letting go of the black haired girl and making her way towards the grounds.

Momo quickly followed as Mina watched the two with a pit growing in her stomach.
She frowned and followed after.

"All right. First group, get to your places." All might stood on top of a building on screen as the first group had lined up on a large pipe.

"Iida hasn't completely recovered yet, right? He should sit this out."
Kaminari pointed out

"Man, everyone in this group  has really good mobility. Huh. I'd say Midoriya is at a heavy disadvantage against those four. That's what I think. Moving around quickly isn't really one of his strong suits, that's for sure." Kirashima turned to Denki, pointing at the screen as Denki nodded.

"And whenever he uses his powers he always gets badly injured."
Momo cleared her throat from right next to Y/n who assessed the class to find her next victim.

"Who's your pick? I'm bettin' on Sero."

"Oh, yeah? I got odds on Ojiro."

Y/n shifted her gaze to bakugo who stood by a wall with a deep frown on his face and arms crossed over his chest.

"Is everyone ready? Begin!"
All might suddenly yelled out and group 1 took off.

Y/n's eyes glided from the screen to the blonde's facial expression.

That was it.
His eyes narrowed.
His fingers dug into his arms.
The anger, the hatred, the jealousy...
It was all she needed to see.

A sly smile made its way onto her face as she covered it with her hand.
Midoriya had done her work for her.

"Group One, leave the field. You're up, Group Two!" All might called.

Bakugo grunted and stomped to the field with a determination to be better than the greenette.

'What do those humans say nowadays..? Ah, right. Hook. Line. And sinker.' She thought to herself with a chilling grin.

Oh taking over the world would be child's play here. No demon slayers, no overwilled children who would stand in her way!!! She was at the top of the food chain with the demon king right at her side.

"Bakugo~" Y/n called, standing by the wall with her hands behind her back.

The said boy paused misstep and turned his head to look at her.
"What do you want, demon-bitch" he spoke

Blinking at the name, Y/n wondered if he had somehow figured it out.
She quickly recovered.

"I have an offer to make"

He huffed.
"I don't want your fucking offers" and he turned back around.

"Then I guess i should just give it to Midoriya. Who knows, maybe he'll progress much faster." With that Y/n turned around to head into the changing room as the sound of footsteps stopped.

"Like hell you will. What's your deal!?" Bakugo lifted his head high, hands in pockets.

Y/n stared ahead of her right through the glass windows of the UA building and to the patch of flowers on the grounds.

"I can give you power, power that would even put all mights punches to shame.... All I ask in return-" Y/n turned and looked over her shoulder and into the eyes of the blonde male as she activated her blood demon art, trapping him in a momentary dream before snapping him out just as quick.

"-is your unwavering loyalty"
Her eyes flashed red, an alluring colour on her, Bakugo thought.

He kissed his teeth.
And looked ahead to where she had been looking before. His brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed.

Y/n outstretched her hand.
"Tempting is it not?"

His eyes glued to the soft skin and slight redness of her palm and as if drawn, he began to reach out-

"I can't believe mineta would peep like that!"

Bakugo snapped out of his trance and place his hand back in his pockets and 'tch'ed.
"I'll think about it, demon-bitch"

Y/n's smile strained and her hand dropped to her side. What was stopping her from transforming him right there and then?

Perhaps it was the underlying fear that her army would turn on her with their memories of her brutality, after all, in this world they weren't erased after transformation.

"There you are Enmu-san!!" Mina rushed forward and grabbed her hand while Ururaka took the chance to steal her other hand into a tight grip while the rest of the class caught up.

"I'm glad you weren't in the changing room while that happened!" Hagakure narrowed her eyes at the two girl yet continued

"Mineta tried to peep on the girls" Iida cut her off, his hand waving around in a chopping motion.

"Hm" she answered as the group rambled on.
A thought struck her.
What if she wasn't the one that forcefully transformed her demons? She could easily get another demon to transform these pitiful human all the while she becomes the hero and saves them.

"Kill off those humans that refuse to join" Muzans voice rang through her head.

She expected nothing less.

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