Chapter 1

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"Wow. They're good. Like really good." Emmett said with surprise.

Alice looked at the screen with a smile. Jasper looked at Alice with love and adoration in his eyes. He was happy that she still had family in the world besides them.

"Well, he's definitely a dork." Rosalie smiled.

"I like his personality. He's funny." Emmett smiled.

"He seems like a good kid." Esme smiled up at Carlisle.

"Yeah, he does." Carlisle smiled back down at her.

"I like the video concept." Edward said.

"That boy's eyes are so blue." Bella said.

"Hey, Corbyn is blonde in this." Emmett pointed out.

"Corbyn is a natural brunette, however, for a long while he had dyed blonde hair."

"This seems very young." Rosalie pointed out.

"They were all still teenagers in this. However, Zach was the only high school student. Most of their fan base is teen girls."

"His voice is soothing in this." Alice said with a smile.

"This gives off a summer vibe." Emmett said.

"I like it." Esme said.

"Did he really just say he ruined his own life?" Edward laughed.

"Yep. Yes he did." Emmett laughed.

"Bhahahahahaha." Emmett burst out laughing when Daniel was dancing to giraffe.

"That's embarrassing? Oh that makes sense." Emmett laughed at Jack's story.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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