Chapter 8 (Memory)

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George's pov

It's been a few days since our last date,and it's been a few days since i had that weird lingering feeling that i still don't get what it was.

I ask dream if we can go out to the city,because i loved seeing how homey the city was. Back in the up above,i never felt this whole before.I felt empty there but here in the underworld,i feel whole.

We got off the carriage,and dream told me we were gonna meet a good friend of his.I start to wonder who this friend was,i hope their nice.

After a short walk around the city, i heard someone shout my name.I turn to see a demon with black hair and red horns sprint this way, i didn't know what to do and he suddenly body slam into me for a hug.

The demon was sobbing as he hugged me tight,he kept saying how much he missed me and asked how i was.

"Um do i know you?"I ask,i feel the demons breath hitch and he got off me.

"W-What? George don't you remember me?"The demon ask,i shake my head and look at dream.

"Bad...I need to talk to you in private please."Dream ask,'Bad' looked confuse but followed dream nonetheless.

I stayed behind and watch how dream start to explain something to bad,bad looks heartbroken at what dream said.And just started to shake his head like he didn't believe dream,he starts to walk back towards me still crying.

"George! Please tell me you remember me!?"Bad ask, i'm starting to feel a bit scared so i just shook my head.

"You don't remember your best friend!? It's me your friend Darryl!"He starts to shout,dream had to pull bad away from me.

My head out of nowhere started to hurt,i start to lose my balance little by little as the world around me starts to spin.

"Grge?"I heard a faint voice that sounds like Dream's,but i was too out of it to know.

My vision began to blur and not long after,i blacked out.

Dream's pov

After pulling bad away,tears started to stream down his face. I look at george to see his face has gone pale, i began to worry so i called out to him.

"George? are you ok?"I ask,bad seem to notice my concern and he turns to george.

George started to lose his balance,so i went up to him to hold him up.

"George talk to me please..."I mutter,he doesn't respond making me worry even more.

Not a moment later,george passed out in my arms. I start to panic,so i carried him into my arms.

"George! wake up please!"I beg,this got the attention of the locals and they all turned towards the chaos.

I quickly took george to the nearest emergency room, i notice bad follow behind me looking guilty.

"This isn't your fault bad..."I mutter as we run to the emergency room.

"You don't know that! if i didn't scream at him,he would've been okay!"Be protested,i sigh as we got inside the emergency room.

Not long after the demons took george away to do some checkups on him.

George's pov

I open my eyes thinking i'm in dream's arms,instead i was in another man's arms.The same man from my dream, we're laying in a colorful flower field.

"Morning love~"The man spoke,i stayed silent not knowing what to do.

What was i doing here?

"Who are you?"I ask,the man looks confuse.Even if i can only see the lower part of his face,i can tell he was upset.

"George don't be silly, it's me clay."Suddenly the man's face became more visible now,it was dream.

"Dream?"I spoke,the man just laugh.

"Dream isn't here."The man said, his voice got deeper and it gave me chills.

I sat up,not liking the feeling of being near this man.

"What are you talking about?..."I ask,the man sat up and his face became sinister.

I got up "Who are you,why do you look like dream?!"I ask,the man laughs and stood up.

"What are you talking about love, it's me clay"Clay said, something about his voice made my head hurt.

"Ahh!! why does it hurt!!"I shout,as i start to pull on my hair.

I close my eyes shut,as the world around me starts spinning again.Suddenly memories starts overflowing on my brain,memories of HD,bad,and clay started to come back to me.

HD took me away from clay,he betrayed us both because of love...Clay was an angel,and those dreams were my memories.But why are they only coming back now?

"Because dream found you."A voice spoke,i quickly open my eyes to see HD.We are in a white void that i don't recognize.

"W-Wha...M-My lord,how are you alive?..."I ask,the divine God stood infront of me.The same God that took my life away,i feel angry starts to boil in me.

"I'm not. I'm simply a spirit that roams the above,and as for you my child shall stay with me."The God explains,i couldn't believe what i was hearing and i didn't want it to happen.

"You can't do that!! i wanna stay with clay!!"I beg,the God raise his hand and 'clay' appeared put of tin air.

"I can give you clay,and anything you want here.If you want a life with clay,then stay here with us..."As the God spoke,there was another voice that seem to repeat the God's word.It sounded like clay,but his mouth wasn't moving.He was asleep or something,his eyes were close.

"Why are you doing this?..."I ask,tears stream down my eyes.

"Because demon's and angel's cannot be together,that is a sin that'll never be forgiven."The God explains,i close my hands into a fist.

"I don't care! i love him and that's all that matters to me!"I shout,the God was disgusted by my words.

"This isn't what i made you for, i made you to be perfect and pure.To be a loyal devotee of mine,not to go around and love some disgusting demon that doesn't love you back."The God explains,and i feel my heart ache.

"He does love me!"I bit back, suddenly the sleeping clay woke up.

He looked angry...It was terrifying to look at.

"Who said i loved you?"The clay spoke,i felt my heart break and i cover my ears.

"No! you're not my clay,your fake!!"I shout,he holds both of my hands and i try to get out of his grip.

"Oh but i am, george.I'm the soul that was unfortunate enough to fall inlove with someone like you, and i'm so fucking glad that i spend decades without you."His voice was lace with acid,i didn't say a word.

I just started sobbing,i fell on my knees as the ache on my chest grew.

The God i once devoted my life too,kneeled infront of me.

"Now that is what dream really thinks about you."The God explains,i just continue to sob.

word count:1237

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