Depression and Depleted Energy

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Hello there once again! It is me, Eerie. And after a half a year of not updating and yes, I admit, contemplating on quitting, I have decided to come back once more with this fresh reboot of 'Stuck With The Past'.

I want to warn all new readers: this book will include some sensitive topics, especially around mental health and sometimes violence (although it's not too gory, not comparable to splatter).

To all my old readers: this is the new book. This is where all the updates will be. Also I know, the way I left the old book was kinda confusing and all over the place (please bear with me). :( I am very unorganized at all times which isn't really an excuse, so I apologize.

I know that there are three version of this chapter out there now, but I promise this is the last one that I'll make and it is also the official one. It's different than the other ones too.

If you have questions on this very confusing procedure you can ask me to explain! I'll do my best answer!

Anyways, welcome (back)! I am very happy to see you've made it here. :]


In a little coffee room, in the corner of this massive facility sat Poland, trying to get away from his daily work life. Sitting by the tiny coffee table he listened to his heartbeat murmuring in his ears.

The soft pulsing would have been comforting if it weren't melting with the sound of fighting from outside.

His eyes closed as he tried to concentrate on the darkness behind his eyelids. His body tense--kind of balled together on his chair. He was aware of his horrible posture however he couldn't care less. All he wanted to do was find some peace within the empty void between his eyes and their lids. Until he felt like he was floating in a vacuum with nothing but the sound of his pulse to keep him company-

There it was. Like the eye of a hurricane it was calm and welcoming... greeting him like a friend.

Until, of course, the rude and loud coffee machine had to tear him back out if it all.

Poland groaned.


The Slav turned around to glare at the Scot who was shouting over the noise of said coffee machine, his depleted energy making him more agitated than he wanted to be.

"Ready for another day of work?"

"Hmph." Poland replied, turning back around, leaning back and crossing his arms. "Are you." He asked dryly after the coffee machine finally stopped.

"Hm." Scotland sat down next to him, holding his coffee between his hands.

Poland gave him a soft smile, trying to make up for his unintentional rudeness, even though he knew it probably looked forced. "It will be over soon. I hope..."

"Yeah." Scotland chuckled and nodded before taking a big sip from his coffee, unaffected by how hot it was.
"Maybe if some folks would shut their arses up and get working..."

"I'm DONE with this CONVERSATION!" The door flung open and in came Britain, closely followed by France and Germany.


"No! No buts!" He cut the German off.

"I didn't say but. I said aber."

"You know what I meant." UK snapped.

"Please wait.."

"Talk to the hand." UK huffed, walking towards the table, his eyes sparkling like flames, even though he looked exhausted.

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