Part 2 - Rent Free

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(Ruby POV)

I had to make a choice. Either hang out with Otis for a little while, or completely ignore him and potentially hurt him. Considering our past, it would make complete sense if I wanted to do the second one. But I don't. I still care about him, even if he hurt me. I also think it's kinda sweet that he still wants to be friends. But I don't trust him. I can't be certain he won't do what he's done before. I just don't know what to do yet. I know my dad wouldn't mind seeing him. He does still kinda have it out for him after everything, but we all know he had a soft spot for him. Also, my mum has never met him. I had hoped he would've been my boyfriend when they met, but I guess that was wishful thinking. But I don't think it's really a good idea for him to meet my mum. Even if we are just going to be friends, I don't want my parents getting the wrong idea. They know I still have feelings for him, so I don't want them to think we're back together. I could just tell them the truth, but that will only make them more skeptical. For now though, we can just go somewhere by ourselves, even if that's worse for myself. Actually, I have the perfect idea.

Now that I'm friends with Roman and Abbi, and they're friends with Eric, I can just see if they'd be okay with me joining for a day, and Otis can do the same.

I can't believe I'm actually making an effort to hang out with Otis. It's not like I don't want anything to do with him. I just know that if I get too close again, I'm fucked. So I'm okay with seeing him sometimes, with others around. So I asked Abbi and Roman, and they were both happy with it. I thought it would be awkward to invite Otis myself, so I prayed that Eric already did.


Neither of them showed, but I actually kind of enjoyed it. I wanted to let Otis know that we might end up hanging out if we both go over on the same day, but he texted before I got the chance.

O - Eric told me you were hanging out with Abbi and Roman earlier.

R - Yeah, it was fun.

O - Are you going back anytime soon?

R - Maybe in a couple days.

O - Okay, well if you wanted to hang out, I'm going on the weekend. The house is usually free for them, so Eric and I stay over sometimes.

R - Maybe, Otis. I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight.

O - Night, Ruby.


As Friday came around, I realized I had to make a decision. I enjoy spending time with everybody that would be there, even Otis. The only problem is what happens if we're alone. I'd love to be alone with him, just not in the way it sounds. I want to clear everything up and become friends. That's it.


So I went to school, and treated it like a normal day. All of us decided to sit together for lunch which was very awkward. I didn't say a word, and neither did Otis. Luckily nobody cared enough to notice it, but I don't think I'll be so lucky later. I guess we'll see.


I was staring at the clock. I was anxious, as well as excited. I heard the bell ring and got up faster than anyone else. I was out the door before I could even put my jacket on. We agreed to meet at the bike rack, so I waited until someone arrived. The first person to show was Otis. We made eye contact for a slight moment before he started to speak.

O - Hey.

R - Hi, Otis.

O - How are you?

R - I'm fine.

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