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Wrath Within

You snuffed me out, you stomped on me, you bound my hands and wont to set me free. So I'll  swallow my tears and puke up my rage I'll show you fury  that floods the stage, I'll scream so loud your drums will burst I'll fight so hard my lungs will hurt, for hells fury can't compare to mine, may you never know my blite for I will never stop my fight, the moment you blink I'll tear you apart and drink from your beating heart.

What a summer thunderstorm looks and sounds like

The dry grass flows as the skies darken, the worlds energy hones in, swirling in its own power. As the clouds gather layering on top of each other like an ocean made of black air the people outside look up, the shimmer of fear and curiosity in each persons eyes as the air grows shrill and almost too quiet for there to be wind. Yet, as light begins to swim through the skies, flickers of electricity seen like swimming koi fish, we freeze. To watch such beauty is to hear it as well, as out of nowhere comes the massive crackle and boom of fury only a god could have, like the blaring sound of a thousand war bells all at once. Our fight or flight kicks in and the rush makes us run as the skies shoot electric arrows down to the ground in a beautiful dance, accompanied by the sound of hundreds of soldiers of the skies yelling.

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