Chapter 3- The Undead Fury

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"Y/n, you have been coming to my shop much more lately. I assume that it's to do with Viggo, huh?" teased Frode with a raised brow, his blue eyes looking to a slightly flustered Y/n.

Y/n rolled her eyes. However, she cannot deny that Frode was correct in his theory. Y/n spent most of the morning flying around, ensuring Mirage had plenty of fish for his breakfast. The two even stopped off at a new island, and Y/n made a note to add the new island to her map. This island was massive and lush, with greenery and flowing rivers. The island even had a volcano, which appeared to be dormant. This island was beautiful. She could image Hiccup loving this island if that boy ever had the guts to ask the chief and his father that he wanted to explore, as did Y/n ( well, Y/n didn't really ask, and it is not like she is needed on Berk).

Y/n smiled at Frode. "It's not like I am actively seeking the man out, Frode; I'm not a stalker."

"So if Viggo did turn up unexpectedly, you won't be happy to see him."

Y/n rubbed the back of her neck, "I enjoy his company."

"I'm glad you appreciate my companionship, my dear." A familiar voice startled Y/n from behind. Y/n whipped her head around to find Viggo standing behind her seated form, with that coy smirk on his face.

"Viggo, hey erm-" Y/n stammered for a moment before recomposing herself "" And yes, you are an interesting, intelligent man, which is rare nowadays, so why wouldn't I enjoy your company. Frode never mentioned you would be here today." A teasing smile crossed her features, her E/c eyes meeting Viggo's chocolate brown ones. " Did you, perhaps, come looking for me for a rematch?" Y/n teased as she watched that coy smirk drop from Viggo's lips.

" Please, your win was an active fluke at best."

Y/n laughed, "You said that the past four times", Y/n replied, watching the man's brows furrow in frustration. Yes, since their first Maces and Talons match, Viggo and Y/n have been meeting up at Frode's and would play another match to which Viggo would lose, much to the man's displeasure and Y/n's enjoyment.

Frode interrupted the two, " You know I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but is it possible you could talk and play elsewhere today. I have a client coming in today who requested privacy. To which I agreed, I didn't think you would come today, Y/n."

"Why didn't you say so, Frode. If you were busy, I would have left ages ago." Y/n said with an apologetic tone. As she stood up, grabbed her crutches and gestured to Viggo to the door, the two bid farewell to Frode and left.

The two walked side by side with each other in silence. Wondering what she could do now unless she introduces Viggo to-.

"I actually didn't come here to play another match. Unfortunately, I have a proposition for you, my dear." Viggo spoke, snapping Y/n from her thoughts. " I was wondering if you could draw up a map for me."

"Oh, yeah, sure. I hope you don't mind me asking what this would be for?" asked Y/n

"Business," Viggo says nonchalantly.

"So you're a trader then", replied Y/n.

"Yes," Viggo replied, with that relaxed voice of his. Why was Y/n enjoying listening to him speak?

Y/n had noticed the two had been walking to a familiar sight, causing Y/n to halt in her tracks.

"Where are we going?" asked Y/n, trying to remain calm. Mirage wouldn't appear unless Y/n blew her silent whistle to call him, but the anxiety of this didn't cease.

"This part of the Northern Markets is practically deserted, and I did notice the last time we met you always seem to walk off in this direction."

Y/n grew nervous. " What are you applying?"

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