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Clara's POV

Leticia and Monica are hanging out with Pierre and Arthur. For tonight no one of them is going to come back home. This means that I'm alone with Charles in my house.

Meanwhile, I lay on the couch and chatted with one of my classmates, I saw that Charles was staring at me.

The ignore from my side continues for a few minutes since I see how Charles' eyes are starting to shine and stare at me like he is in love.

«Charles, are you sick?» I joke and look at him

His cheeks go red and he breaks our eye contact.

«No, mon amour. If someone tells you how beautiful your eyes are. Also how beautiful you are» he looks again at me with those beautiful blue-greenish eyes

«You» I laugh and continue the eye contact

«Hang on. Are you having a boyfriend in your entire life?» he stood up off the floor and sat next to me

«No. I never want to have one, because I don't need it.» I break the eye contact and try to stand up

«How beautiful a girl like you is having no boyfriend in her life?» Charles gets my hand and our eyes meet

«I never want to have. Since I was a teenager I  had you as my idol and my heart belongs to you after I fell in love with Carlos since I was a child» I muttered and sat again next to him

«You were in love since you were little?» another question goes from him

«Long story, but yes. But now I'm not before you ask the next question» my mood just disappears after Charles' thousand questions

«No questions for now. Let's go to make something a dinner. I'm starving» he gets my hand and we go to the kitchen

«What do you want for dinner?» I open the fridge and look at what I have

«Pasta. But let me cook it for mon amour» he opens every of the kitchen's cabinet

«Better no. Let me cook it for you. The last time you did pasta for you and your friend was raw» I laugh and get the ingredients for my pasta recipe

«Okay, chef. I want to make a dessert for tonight so I'm going to get all the ingredients I need» he kissed my forehead and left the house

O que ele está planejando? O dia todo ele está agindo estranho depois do beijo de ontem |What he is planning? All day he has been acting strange after yesterday's kiss|

The minute before the pasta sauce is ready Charles comes over.

«I'm here, gorgeous» he shouted and came to the kitchen

«A few minutes later you are going to watch what I'm doing» he gets closer to me and puts one of his hands around my waist

Later the dinner was ready and finally, I was going to see what Charles was going to make for dessert.

«I'm going to make tiramisu. Be quiet and watch the master how is doing it» Charles got me and put me on the kitchen's bar counter

«I'm not going to stay here all the time. I'm going to help you» I get one of the biscuit packets and open it

«You are a good helper» Charles says and puts part of my hair behind my ear

Minutes later I make the cream and Charles gets the bowl with it

«Try it» he gets a little bit of the cream with his fingers and gives it to me to try it

Suddenly he gets his hand a little bit far and puts the cream on my nose

«You stupid Leclerc» I get from the cream and make his face white from it

«Wait for revenge» he gets me from the counter and puts me down

His face is near to mine. One of his fingers gets part of the cream from my face and tries it.

I have cream also on my lips. Charles looks at them and in the same second, my lips are without scream. Only smashing into Charles'.

«It's so good. Let's continue it»

An hour later the kitchen is looking like before we start to cook. Everything is finally clean and we have dinner.

«Best pasta ever I eat. It was delicious» Charles says meanwhile he is helping me with the dishes

We finally can get a rest after everything happened in the kitchen.

«Charlie, can I ask you something?» I say and look deep into his eyes

«If you stop calling me like this» his face gets mad

«Never. Are you trying to flirt with me all day?» I ask and look lovely at him

«I'm trying my best since I'm here»

-seventh chapter of «More than fan»
-sorry for not posting these days💕
-what do you think will happen between them
-is Charles will continue to flirt with Clara
-thanks for reading💕

More than fan| Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now