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I entered the flat with Jiwoong, Hanbin and Yujin beside me. I figured we could decide our own rooms so we all decided to choose our own pair. Jiwoong and I are already automatically together so that leaves Hanbin and Yujin to share a room.

I went to my room and started unpacking as Jiwoong does the same. The rest of the night was busy with unpacking but the next few days would be a day off for us. After many hours we all finished unpacking and got ready for bed. Hanbin then decided to gather everyone in the living room so we could get to know each other more.

"Hi I'm Sung Hanbin! I'm excited to be this group's leader!"

"Hi I'm Jiwoong! Let's all watch my dramas together okay?"

"Hi I'm Yujin. I attend the same school as Y/N but we never really talk."

"Hi I'm Y/N! I'm very excited for this group's future!"

After long hours of playing games and talking it was bedtime. I had to wake up at 9am tomorrow so me and my group can have lunch together at a cafe nearby. I slept on the bed closest to the window as Jiwoong slept on the bed next to mine.

"Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Hyung."

《Time skip to 9am in the morning》

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I really didn't feel like waking up. The bed was just so comfortable and I was still tired from yesterday. Jiwoong slowly got up from the bed as he went to the toilet to wash up. I decided since the toilet was in use I could just mabye close my eyes abit more...


I quickly jolt awake to Hanbin aggressively shaking me.

"H-huh? What time is it?"


My eyes widened as I quickly went to the toilet. Hanbin then sighed as he went to join Yujin and Jiwoong in the living room. After a few minutes I came out of the toilet and soon we were on the lift to go to the lobby.

It was pretty quiet in the lift until Hanbin spoke up.

"Y/N ah, are you aware of how late we are right now? Why didn't you wake up despite the alarm?"

I sigh as I kept apologising as Yujin rolled his eyes at me. Rude.

We eventually met up with the others at the cafe.

"Hey what took you so long?"

"Y/N overslept and caused us to be late, sorry."

Fortunately they all forgave me, mabye accept for Yujin who was still pretty annoyed at me. I sat in between Yujin and Hanbin as Ricky was opposite me.

People started noticing us as they all took photos but we didn't care.

We all ordered our food and it came pretty quickly.

"Wah! It looks so good!"

I ordered an avocado toast with eggs and bacon. Soon everyone was having their own conversations with the person next to them. It was just me and Yujin who were really quiet. I knew being salty and jealous wasn't gonna be good if we're gonna be in the same group for a long time so I decided mabye it's time we made up.

"Uhm so Yujin, I'm really sorry for waking up late I just really wanted to just close my eyes for a second but I guess I fell asleep. Please don't be mad at me alright?"

"Ugh you know because of you we were all late? What a way to have a first impression. And I know what you did in school okay? Don't make me bring it up."

I swear... that rude little skanky son of a bi- you know what I'm gonna still be nice. I just really don't want him to tell the others about what happened in school..

It was an ordinary day of high school. I was with my friends at the cafeteria during lunch. Then some random dude went up to me, "Ew your such a gay freak where are all your guy friends? Do you not have any? Hahahaha!" I was mad. Really mad. I stood up and punched him right in the middle of his face. That was when his nose started bleeding... and he got sent to the hospital as I may or may not have broken a bone. People started avoiding me now, even some of my "friends". They all started calling me a bully but I'm not. I used to be a kind and respectful boy but I don't know what happened... I guess I have heard enough about me. But the person I despised most was the one and only... Han Yujin. He may look innocent and sweet and shy, but really he is just one big fat jerk. He was the one who started all those rumours about me. He was the one that told the dude to call me those words. And he was behind all of my problems. When I saw him in Boys Planet for the first time I laughed. The way he looked so innocent in that show sickend me. Now that he debuted with me and even live together, I can't even imagine how much more of this shit I have to go through. But I realised that I'm an idol now. I can't just punch anyone I want, even if no one is watching me. I try to be nice towards him, but he doesn't respond the same way.

The rest of breakfast was pretty akward as no one really talked to me. Hanbin was chatting non stop with Zhang hao who was beside him and Yujin was talking with Gyuvin. After we were all done, We went back to the dorms to relax.

Jiwoong and Hanbin decided to go out together so me and Yujin stayed at home. I was in the living room watching TV as Yujin came and sat on the couch. He was purposely trying to take up the whole space, leaving me squished to the side.

"Did you really have to do that?"


I scoffed as I was sitting on the couch with Yujin's feet on my lap.

"Hey Y/N. You know you still annoy me right?"


"Well what if I told everyone in the group how you assaulted a poor teenage boy?"

"Shut up. Don't you dare say a word."

He laughed as I clenched onto the TV remote.

After awhile Hanbin and Jiwoong came back and eventually it was dinner time. Hanbin decided to cook for dinner and Jiwoong was helping him. I really don't wanna come off as that person but whenever I see Hanbin and Jiwoong having fun together, it makes me mad. Like I've been betrayed or stabbed in the back by my best friend. I know it's okay for him to have fun with Hanbin but my heart can't accept it. To be honest the only reason why I ever wanted to be his friend in the first place was because I thought he looked attractive. I guess you could say I had a crush on him during the show. We would always meet in the toilet in the middle of the night of boys planet. We just go in there to talk and that's it. So watching him with someone else makes me kinda sad as well.

I went to my room to take a nap before dinner was ready...

0_1 ~ Han Yujin (BL)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt