Why Me?

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Ruddy's eyes flickered open. That had to be the most refreshing sleep he'd had in his entire life. The air around him smelled strongly of jasmine and saffron. It seemed to go wherever Elowyn went like that was literally just what she smelled like. 

Ruddy took a wing at his pits and decided it was time to hop back in the pool. He wished for soap, but it seemed to be a foreign concept to the eladrin, no wonder.

"Who needs soap when you naturally smell like essential oils?" Ruddy muttered under his breath, slipping back into the pool. The water had cooled again since the previous night, but Ruddy enjoyed the invigorating chill.

For the first time since he arrived in this magical place, Ruddy felt like he could relax and let his mind catch up. That this was a dream, he had no doubts. How could it be anything else?

A new thought pushed itself across his mind, "Frankenstein started as a dream...maybe I'll write a book when I wake up."

He thought about how to make it better. First things first, he'd need to engage with the fairytale with all his might to become the main character. He'd also need to find whatever passed for a writing implement among the elves. Writing things down always helped him commit experiences to memory...even if he wouldn't be able to take the journal with him back to reality.

It was a peculiar thing, determining to live life to the fullest on account of not knowing when he would wake up. Back in reality, people always told him to treat his death that way.

A stab of guilt pierced his heart when Amy jumped into his thoughts, her adorable blonde curly bed head bouncing as she yelled at him. A smile played on his lips. Most people didn't appreciate that, but it always woke Ruddy right up, dispelling whatever residual sluggishness remained to threaten the rest of his day. He never woke her on purpose of course...well, maybe once.

Something caught the corner of his eye, and he turned to see Elowyn sitting on the edge of the bed. She'd donned a fresh blue gown that paired beautifully with her chestnut brown hair. She regarded him serenely.

"How...um, how long have you been sitting there?"

"Pretty much since you got in the pool," Elowyn replied.

"Oh...so you're just watching me bathe?"

Elowyn laughed, "You're a peculiar homodrin, Ruddy. Yes, I'm waiting on you. I didn't say anything because it seemed like you were collecting your thoughts."

"I was..." Ruddy turned awkwardly back to the pool and started washing his pits. That's why he'd gotten in there in the first place after all.



"I'm curious about your customs. Are there male Vylyr Threnar?"

"There are," Elowyn smiled, "Would you prefer one?"

"What? Um, no. Your services are sufficient."

"Sufficient?" Elowyn's voice had a telltale upward tick that Ruddy knew only too well...and dreaded.

Apparently women in his mind and reality felt the same way about those types of comments. "Fantastic! Wonderful!"

"You're just throwing out adjectives like they're magic spells," Elowyn cut him off.

There was no judgment in her voice, more amusement. At least, Ruddy was pretty sure that's what it was. It was always hard to tell. He decided to change the subject quickly. That usually worked better than digging deeper holes, "Well...I was. You're my guide. What's on the docket for today?"

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