Chapter One

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When Alex pulled up to the carpark at Nelson Road twenty minutes before her shift started, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. The anxiety of being late on the first day had kept her up half the night and woke her up a half an hour before her alarm that morning. Thankful for average traffic and the two cups of coffee she had bought herself on the way in, she was ready for the day.

When she reported to Rebecca's office first thing, she was met by a smiling man, which struck her because he looked far too anxious to be showing that many teeth. He introduced himself as Leslie Higgins, the head of operations for the club. He extended himself to her, letting her know that he was available for anything she may need during her time there.

"Thank you, Higgins, I think that will be all," Rebecca dismissed him with a smile when she noticed he had caught Alex at the door outside of her office. Alex noted that the manner in which she spoke to him felt more like a personal assistant than a director of anything. And the way Higgins scurried off only validated that observation. Rebecca turned to her with a winning smile, expressing her excitement for Alex to join the team. Alex was grateful for her courteous offer to give her a tour of the club.

When Rebecca came upon the door to the locker room, she rapped melodically on the door. Alex was sure it was not heard, as the shouting and bickering didn't decrease in volume in the slightest. Rebecca turned to Alex and wiggled her eyebrows before letting herself in.

"Knock, knock!" She shouted, entering the room. It was in response to her presence that each of the players quieted down. Two men entered from the office to their right. "Sorry. I just needed to interrupt for a moment," Rebecca turned to usher Alex into the room. Thankfully, Alex found herself quite comfortable in a room full of sweaty athletes in varying states of undress.

"This is Alexandra Banks, the club's new head physiotherapist," Rebecca introduced happily. "I'd like you all to offer her some of our well known Richmond hospitality." The last statement came out more as a warning, which was perfectly timed with a low whistle that sounded anonymously from a group of players surrounding Jamie Tartt.

"Welcome!" The always boisterous and always welcoming coach Ted Lasso spoke up. "I'm Ted, the new manager. This is Coach Beard." He gestured toward the appropriately named bearded man beside him. "Glad to meet you, Ms. Banks."

Roy Kent stared at the new physio with a furrowed brow. He often made a point to size people up under an intimidating glare, other times it came surprisingly natural. On the whole, she was quite disarming. Her eyes were soft and attentive, bouncing from one player in the locker room to the next. Her full lips were set in a relaxed pout, not a thin line of a person scrupulously passing judgment--not that he knew a damned thing about that.

"Alex is just fine," she smiled at Ted before turning toward the rest of the group. "I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you," her tone of voice was melodic, but carried a light rasp that made it come off with more warmth than Roy had expected. "It's my goal over the next few days to do individual exams with each of you so I have an idea as to how I can be most useful to you on a case by case basis."

One of the lads let out a cough, which led to a few chuckles and knowing nudges from some of the other players. Roy's eyes gave a tell-tale roll and he only had to let out an "oi!" to refocus their attention. Alex gave him a nod and a smile in appreciation. Rebecca had too, but he didn't notice.

"I'll show you where you can set up and leave you to it," Rebecca extended a hand in the direction of the physio's office just off of the locker room. Roy turned back to his teammates, busying himself with his boots while he watched Alex disappear to her office from the corner of his eye.

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