Reaction to Chapter 7: a good old brawl

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Well as you can see things are about to be violent so lets go

Alow: well time to teleport them back

Alow teleports them to the reaction room and sees issei almost dying

Alow: Well that is going on

Crom: Stop being a pussy kid

Issei while panting: well fuxk you i am not the drill sargent you are

Crom: Stop whining kid

Alow: well ok but we will see the fight between Issei and Ajuka now

Issei: Fuck yeah

Alow: Ok calm down now Issei

Issei: Ok i am very calm now

(Dimensional gap)

Issei and Ajuka beelzebub were standing on opposite sides of the made shift Arena in the Dimensional gap.

Ajuka had challenged Issei for a fight with the latter agreeing to it. Now the Super devil and the descendant of Sparda are about to fight.

Issei: Fuck yeah battle

Vali: Beat him up Rival

Alow: Damn they are bloodthirsty but i agree that Issei will beat his ass

Issei had revalation in his hands and adopted a fighting stance. Ajuka himself stood ready to fight with his hands out and with his aura around him.

Both men waited for the other to strike first. Both appeared to be more cautious of the other seeing that both are without doubt very powerful beings who shouldn't be underestimated.

Issei was tired of waiting and quickly changed revelation in its katana form and fired several judgement cuts at Ajuka who was barely able to defend himself with a magic barrier.

Issei: So he can also use judgement cut

Alow: Yep he loves the technique

'That technique is judgement cut, so is he related to Vergil?' Ajuka summarised but needed to concentraded and fired several demonic blasts at Issei who dodged them effortlessly.

Issei: I can see why he thinks like this

Ophis: Yeah bu you also love judgement cut

Issei: I can't denie that

Issei quickly closed the distances with Ajuka and fired several combos with his katana making the super devil go on the defences. Ajuka may be a super devil but his main weakness is that he isn't a very powerful close ranged fighter making Issei have the upper hand in that field.

Issei: The hand to hand combat is a problem of almost every pure blood devil

Vali: Yeah they think that magic will always win there fights

Issei: Alow

Alow: What is it Issei

Issei: I don't wanna be here I wanna train again

Alow: Ok you can go train again Issei

Issei: Thanks

With that Issei dissapeared again

Alow: We will just continue

Issei was able to get some cuts on Ajuka but knew that he was waiting for an opening and Issei wasn't planning to give them.

Dxd react to son of crom cruach ( on hiatus do to my laziness)Where stories live. Discover now