An unexpected accompaniment

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It was the next day and UK had left his home, after saying farewell to his family, to go to the World Meeting. It was being held in France, Paris (thank god) so he could leave and catch the ferry just a couple of hours before the meeting had begun. He had caught the ferry at around 2 and he bumped into someone, unexpected..

"Oh if it isn't the Great Britain!"

"Hello Ireland.." Britain said, grumpily.

Ireland. The only country that bordered the UK and he was wearing a fashionable brown vintage suit. Their relations were alright but Britain knew he was one of the only countries to be quite smug about UK leaving as now, he will get more importance in the EU for the English Channel. Ireland doesn't necessarily hate UK, he hates England, but he doesn't like being with UK either. Unfortunately, this day was quite different.

"Soooo.. heard that you left the EU... what a shame, you were quite significant, you know.." said Ireland, in a voice that quite annoyed UK but he decided to keep his cool.

"Yes.. yes I did. Most of my country voted to leave.."

"You mean just over 50%?"

Britain glared at him.

"Woah jeez I was kidding, no need to be feisty.." said Ireland, waving his hands up in the air, "Also why do you have a bandage over your head? Did something happen?"

"I fell.." muttered UK, angrily.

"I've known you since childhood and I could be practically counted as your half brother so I know you are lying.. what happened? Scotland was in his fits of rage with England and accidentally hit you?"

UK stared at him in shock. "How did you-"

"Chillax, he told me.."

The wind breezed through their hair and the waves splattered on the sides of the boats. It, quite strangely, was a calm day on the English Channel; must be climate change.

"Sooooo," started Ireland, "You must know that many of the European countries, especially the Inner 7, are not happy. We had a meeting a week ago and they all looked pissed especially EU. Speaking of which, some organisations are also coming to the meeting.."

That woke UK's attention, "Do you know who?"

"Yep!" replied Ireland, "UN, obviously, African Union, NATO, ASEAN and oooo! I think even Commonwealth!"

Britain smiled at the thought Commonwealth was coming, she was always very nice and understanding to UK just like, him.

His green dreamy eyes and his lovely pushed back green hair, with red stripes. His tall height and his kind hearted personality that-

"Oooooooo! Someone's daydreaming bout their crush!!"

UK snapped out of his thoughts and blushed, "N-no you wanker! I don't like anyone!"

"Mhmmm, yeah sure.." replied Ireland.


"Oh yeah! I also forgot EU's coming of course!" Ireland exclaimed.

"WHAT!?" shouted UK.

Everyone stared at him, still slurping down their drinks.

"Sorry.." said Britain, meekly, "But seriously why tell me the bad news this late?!"

"I forgot too!" defended Ireland.

"Yeah whatever.." Britain replied, calmly but his mind was playing a different tune. Ireland said that EU was livid so what if he caused a scene or something: what would have happened! The meeting would go a disaster and he would be embarrassed to bits and-

"You're playing with your thoughts again aren't you?" Ireland said, interrupting UK's train of thoughts, "But don't worry I'm sure EU would try to keep his cool and the rest of Europe plus commonwealth and your sons are also thereto defend you, oh! And Portugal!"

Ireland was right; he had many people that still care about him and would defend him if anything went wrong, especially him. His eyes glisten like the sun and his smile is so heartwarming, it takes his breath away and-

"I will also defend you too... I know we aren't on the best relations and don't take this at a go to be my ally but I understand and I will try to also get Scottie to understand too.. at least I will try. You know him, he's very stubborn but he is my best mate so I will try.. oh and Scottie doesn't hate you, you know. He blamed himself for your weak disappearance and everything. He says sorry."

"I know... but it hurts. He tried to leave in 2014 too and it was very close. You know that if he gets independence I-I,"

"Die... yes I am fully aware but don't worry! You ain't going no where!"

Britain smiled. He never thought that Ireland cared this much for him. Maybe he started to understand that it was England who manipulated and controlled him during the British Empire. That was good, at least someone believed him.

"We have landed at Calais! Please remember to take your belongings and get off safely and carefully! Thank you for travelling with us and we hope you have a great rest of the day!"

"Well seems we got to get off now! Hey let's take the cab train together to Paris, it will be nice.. AND DON'T THINK WE ARE FRIENDS I AM JUST BEING NICE BECAU YOUR SCOTLAND'S BROTHER!" Ireland spoke.

"Yeah yeah whatever!" said UK, as they started to exit the boat.

"Hey Ireland.."


"Thank you.."


Hi my crew! Tomorrow I am going to Edinburgh for the debating competition so this is my little treat before I leave:)

I hope you enjoyed it and probably next week will be the actual world meeting where there will be drama and tea🍵

Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are in our beautiful world 🌍❤️

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