Let me

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Context: Astarion notices you struggling to sew up your clothes.

"Fuck!" I mutter under my breath, stabbing my finger once again with the needle. I don't even understand how that stupid fuck managed to avoid my armor and cut my undershirt. I look at the quarter sewn up hole on my shirt, the thread loose. I tug the string trying to tighten it, but it ends up unraveling. I roll my eyes and sigh, "I don't understand what I'm doing wrong." I knot the thread and begin again. My blood around the whole makes it hard to see the needle and thread.

As I sew about halfway through the thread brecks. I throw the needle and shirt away from me, taking my bleeding finger and putting it in my mouth sucking on it and applying pressure. I snap my eyes closed and clench my fist. "Looks like someone is having fun." I hear Astarion say then chuckle. I open my eyes and glare at him. He picks up the shirt and needle. "Now, now darling, don't give me thouse vicious eyes." He looks around a bit, "It looks like the thread you were using is gone."

"If you have come to mock me on my sewing skills, I'm not in the mood." I say wall getting up from the ground.

"I got all my fun out wall watching you try to sew that hole up for 20 minutes. I have some more thread in my tent. I can patch this hole right up."

"You can?"

"You learn a lot of skills when you have very limited resources." He motions me to follow him. "Let's first try to get some of this blood out." We start walking to the riverbank.

"Do you need help?" I say we watching him scrub at my clothes.

"I almost got it all out. Since this is mainly all fresh blood, it just needs some cold water to get it out."

I scratch the back of my head wall, saying, "I didn't know that. I've been trying to get blood out the hard way."

"Yeah, it can still stain, but this normally can get out a lot of it. I actually got all of the stain out. I'm going to let it dry before I sew it up. With it being a windy day, it might be dry by the time we get back to camp."

As he gets up from the bank and starts walking towards me, I say, "Thank you."

He smirks, "No need to thank me yet. I'm not done, darling." I follow him back to back to his tent, making small talk along the way.

"You're welcomed to sit or stand it shouldn't take long." He says wall opening a chest and grabbing some thread. He sits down and starts to patch up the hole. It takes but a few moments before he breaks the thread with his teeth and hands the now patch up shirt to me.

I look it over, seeing he used a thread that matches so much more than the one I was using. It almost looks as if there never was a hole to begin with. I look to him with a bright smile, "Thank you so much! I probably would have never gotten this done."

He bows, "Oh please, it's all my pleasure. Next time just ask me. Actually, maybe not cause seeing you struggle again would be enjoyable."

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