-------Week 0: Monday-------

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          "Well that's it for how I feel about the new virus going around see y'all tommorow!" A young girl by the name of Elii closed off her video diary. She looked around and opened her window to breath in the fresh city air. She hasn't noticed the news yet about mysterious bursting happening in the city.
          "Ah good morning. It's nice to be in the city!" She smiled, picking up her phone to post the video. She has a pretty sizeable fan base, mostly consisting of people in town. She noticed a missed call from one of her close friends. "Oh! Carrie must've called..oops!" She called Carrie back, the following conversation occured.

"So have you heard about the bursting?" Carrie said, sounding worried.

"No, why? What's happening?" Elii said as she walked back to her window, closing it.

"Well apparently there's this disease going around thats causing people to burst!"

"Oh no, what causes it?" Elii was concerned.

"They haven't figured it out but they think it may be something to do with radio waves. Since new tech has been affecting animals."

"Wow so now you're one of those people who think 5G is gonna fry our brains." Eli sarcastically joked.

"Haha very funny. Seriously, here I'm sending you an article! Oh shit what was that?" Carrie sounded confused, her footsteps echoing through the phone. She gasped loudly. "My mom... Oh no, she... She burst! What's with all this blue stuff?" Carrie was sad but also confused at why their were a bunch of blue dust everywhere, unknowingly she inhaled some.

"I'm so sorry." Elii said, as she hung up the call. Blue dust? What was Carrie on about? She began searching the web for things about blue dust and bursting. Unfortunately nothing came up. Oh well, guess she might go on a walk, she does need some groceries after all.

Elii was walking through town towards a corner store, heading inside, she began purchasing food and stuff, y'know, the usual. She was breathing heavily, causing some spores to be forced into her lungs. Oh well, that shouldn't be a problem right?

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