✰ 7. risks taken

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Akya's movements were quick and calculated, just as they had been during training. This exact moment felt like all her tests combined. Here, there were no rules, no grades, and no passing. There was life, and there was death. And Akya hoped she would stay in range of the first option. In the back of her mind, there was fear, both for her and the other Jedi. It was obvious that they were impressively outnumbered. These blasts wouldn't just sting— they would cause a lot more damage.

Fighting now felt different than her last test— now, she had the Force accompanying her. It felt like a sense for the future. She didn't need to listen closely to the sound of footsteps or the pulling of a trigger anymore. She just seemed to know when something was coming at her, when a threat was behind her, and she found it very easy to swing her lightsaber every which way when she knew what way to swing.

The B1 droids were easily destructible— one slash, and they fell right down, deactivated. The head was the best spot to aim when deflecting blasts, because one shot there, and the whole droid shut down. But there was more. There was always more.

Across the arena, nearer to the middle, she could see Anakin, sitting in a transport led by a large creature. Senator Amidala sat on the creature, shooting down droids anywhere in her range, while Anakin spun his lightsaber deflecting shots from everywhere. Once Akya saw a clear path, she took it, slashing every droid in her way with such a determination you'd think she had a personal vendetta against them. But all she wanted was to get to Anakin.

Just as she reached them, the creature Padmé was riding on was gunned down, and it fell on its side, taking the transport carriage with it. Both Anakin and the Senator fell over. Akya jogged over to her friend, reaching out a hand. He looked confused when he saw it, following it from her arm, then her worried face. He took it, and she pulled him up.

"What are you doing here, Akya?" he said, turning the green lightsaber he now had back on and deflecting some shots from behind her. Both he and Akya backed into the carriage, and Padme followed, shooting back at the droids that slowly closed in on the three of them. "How did you get here?" He spoke with an urgency, almost annoyed that she was here. She took it as nothing, and assumed he was just worried.

"I came with the Jedi," she told him, looking only ahead at the droids approaching. She deflected a blast with her lightsaber which was bounced back at the droid that fired it, and he broke down.

"They let you come?"

"They needed all the help they could get," she explained.

Anakin sighed. "You shouldn't be here."

"Well, I am." She deflected another shot.  They soon made it out of the way of the fallen carriage, making their way further into the sides of the arena to aid the other Jedi.

Every time you took down one droid, two more seemed to take its place.  They were cornered, and it didn't seem like any of the other Jedi were having any luck, either.  So many were dying, losing to these soulless machines.  Slowly but surely, the droids began pushing all the Jedi to the middle of the arena.  They fought as hard as they could— but it wasn't enough.  Their numbers had diminished.  They had lost.

The Jedi were surrounded.  Every droid now had their guns pointed at them at the ready, all preparing to shoot at once.  The Jedi were smart enough to know when to put their weapons down. Akya stared at them, then held her lightsaber to the side, no longer in a defensive position.  The other Jedi did the same— though none retracted their blades just yet.  Once they had, the droids pulled away their guns and put their arm blasters into the away position. Instinctively, Akya grabbed Anakin's empty hand, and he intertwined his fingers with hers. 

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