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They all heard the same thing that he did, didn't they? Sponge lingered behind after being wafted away by Agir. But his curiosity was loud and he grew interested in Bankfoot's situation. If this young merman was like him, that would mean that there are more cursed merfolk in the bay. Who would know about curses? And why is it so taboo after tradition allows it to happen? The tang drifted up after Agir and Bankfoot left, sniffing at the raft as middlebell raged on above him.

The merman saw Framwhisker in the corner of his eye and blinked. "Framwhisker.."

The elder swam over, stammering. "Yes?"

"Don't be too odd but keep an eye on that tree-eater." Sponge whispered.

Framwhisker tilted her head and scoffed. "You can't say that."


"You're saying it again.." Framwhisker shook off her hair and slid back upwards. She moved above the water and out of it, squeezing out the damp shirt she had on while sniffling at the stuffy air.

She made her way to her post, running her hands on the wood as she sat her back against it. The mermaid sighed before catching a glimpse of Ricegill from afar. She was drawing closer. The elder rolled her eyes and muttered to herself. Then, she stood and smiled. "Ricegill!" Framwhisker called.

"Atana!" She called.

Framwhisker pulled her hands from her sides and hugged onto the young siren. The elder eyed the sand around, watching as Bankfoot's head lifted to the surface as he gasped at the air. She glared for a moment. Here it goes.

Ricegill shifted under her. "So are you going to tell me the story of your transition again?"

Framwhisker ruffled the glider's hair, passing glances downwards for a moment. "My transition? Who else needs to hear that story? It should be etched into your brain already."

"Sir Shelly does." Ricegill held up a small shell that parted open and closed. The thing was still alive.

Framwhisker looked back at the raft, which was rocking as Bankfoot rubbed his reddened chest and began to panic. What kind of fool's shrub did he chew on the way up here? She still needed to keep an eye on him either way, as Sponge was seeking her out for a certain reason. But Ricegill also wanted another story. If the child is offered a good lesson, she would stop messing with her.

The elder siren lowered her head and sat down, huffing as she held onto Ricegill's shoulder. The two sat as they watched the waving clouds. "Well, Sir Shelly, I transitioned before Ricegill was even alive. Whaletooth was mated to this beautiful maid called Duskwave. She was my role model when I was in his army, one composed of merman who faced tiwanith with their teeth. We were the best in the bay when it came to fending off humans. We saw the horrors."

Ricegill nodded, smiling brightly as the elder spoke.

Framwhisker eyed Bankfoot, who was now holding up his mangled shirt and hooting quietly to himself in surprise. Shells loose from meeting with Gem. What kind of witch is she that her body could break a mind like that?

She cleared her throat and looked down at the shell. It opened again and inside held a small purple shard. Some plastic wrapped around it, brownish bag particles and a small mussel inside. Her body slumped as she felt her arms shake with neediness. Here it was, a gem of the ersboric kind. If she can steal it without Ricegill knowing, she could refine it for a monocle at least.

Framwhisker curled a bit, feeling a breeze shudder against her skin. "Pearleye was a glider when I was an officer, and when she found out that I was dressing like a maid, she kept quiet. This is why she's been my best friend for all these years." As Framwhisker spoke, she leaned so the siren nurse could hear.

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