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No one expected the night to end up in the hospital; but here we are, in the waiting room, worried out of our minds.


Taylor and Ben were walking around the graveyard and Taylor was ranting about her day to Ben, but Ben wasn't having it; he was getting super annoyed by almost everything today, especially when people talk too much, it has always made him mad or annoyed if it wasn't his family or very close friends. But today specifically he was getting mad / annoyed easily for no exact reason, and Taylor's ranting wasn't helping. After a bit, Ben signaled for Taylor to 'zip it', but Taylor was confused and didn't stop, thinking he was just joking, but Ben just rolled his eyes at her, "Hey! Don't roll your eyes" Taylor said, crossing her arms and glaring up at him. Ben glared down too; at this point, they were having a staring contest, "Just shut up" Ben typed, Taylor obviously got offended and nudged his head softly "Why are you being so rude! You've been so rude to me the entire damn day!" She said, furious on how he talked to her. Ben slapped her, hard, leaving her cheek red. "Ow!? What was that for!?" She said, putting a hand over her cheek. He glared daggers at her and walked away, slightly pushing her. Taylor went in front of him and stopped him, "What the hell is wrong with you!?" She yelled at him, he finally had enough and pinned her to the wall, a hand over her neck. "Wha-... What are you doing..!?" She says, trying to pry his hands from her neck, "Get off!" She tries kicking but it's not enough to get him off, "Ben!--" She shrieks "--I...I can't bre-...breathe..." he doesn't say anything, but his grip tightens; Taylor managed to kick him, but that just makes it worse as he punched her, her left eye now bruised. With the impact of the punch and the weakness from the strangling, she easily passed out, her body going limp. Ben lets go of her and takes a few steps back, regret washing over him, he was shaking and he immediately ran over to her. * What have I done... * he thinks to himself. He checks her pulse and picks her up, carrying her to where the rest were.

Ashlyn's pov

Me, Aiden, Tyler and Logan were talking in the kitchen, Aiden was doing shenanigans and playing with my hair, Tyler and Logan were making Oreo mug cakes and Ben and Taylor left to the graveyard. We were talking normally, then suddenly, Ben barges in with Taylor in his arms; Tyler's glare shifts towards them, he realizes that Taylor is passed out and he immediately rushes over to the couch were Taylor got laid down on. Me and Aiden stand up to go see if she's okay and I see some marks on her neck... hand marks.?

Tyler's pov

I was talking with the others when suddenly, Ben barges in, holding my sister who's passed out in his arms. I immediately rush over to the couch he put her on and hold her hand... * What the fuck happened...? * Ashlyn seems to be checking for bruises other than the one on her eye, "I think she got strangled, her pulse is pretty weak... we should get her to a hospital... Aiden, start the car please." She says and Aiden nods, running outside. I'm filled with anger but mostly concern, seeing my sister bruised up and unconscious like that makes me feel like I've failed to protect her...

Aiden's pov

Ashlyn told me to go start the car, so I did. * Ben's behaving weird.. * I think to myself, I go back in the house and signal for them to come. "Want me to drive?" I ask Ashlyn as they load Taylor in the car, she nods. I go and open the car door for her and close it when she gets in, mumbling a little 'thanks'. During the car ride, Tyler and Logan were talking, Ben was with Taylor and Ashlyn was just looking around the window. I could tell Ben was anxious so I asked him about it. "You okay Ben?" He nods. Ashlyn seems slightly zoned out too, so I nudge her hand a bit, rubbing it gently. She looks at me and looks back, she takes it and holds it tight, looking away. I see a little tint of red on her cheeks, I chuckle at that. When we get to the hospital; we rush Taylor in and they get her into a room for them to start examining her; making us have to wait until we can see her.


(This is a bit shorter than usual but I'm going to make a part 2 soon :), also I'm a bit sick so I might not post as much 🥲)

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