Chapter 3: Journey Outside

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After his encouraging talk with Artemis, Alexander goes to his room to gather a few essentials before joining the other guys to venture outside. Alex grabs a machete, pair of gloves and puts on a good pair of hiking boots. He stops at a storage room in the corridor and grabs a full water canteen, an empty water canteen, and a crossbow. 

Thinking he should check in with Apollo about safety from a medical start point, he heads towards the infirmary. Upon arriving at the infirmary Alex sees Apollo going around the room gathering supplies. Alex knocks on the doorframe so as not to startle the medic. Apollo glances up at him. "I just wanted your thoughts on what to expect out there." 

Apollo raises his eyebrow at Alex. "Isn't that sort of your department?" 

Alex rolls his eyes. "You know what I mean. We have to pack light but we have to be prepared for everything. So, as a medic, what do you think we have to worry about out there?" 

Apollo shrugs. "There's always the risk of exposure while being out in the elements. There is also the wildlife here that is known that are dangerous. Honestly not much is known about the plants, but I can imagine the ones that are safe for local wildlife are safe for us." There's a pause while Alex just looks at him blankly. Apollo sighs. "There's obviously some things I can only treat here. I'm bringing a standard medical kit and environmental sample kit." Alex looks between the equipment and his brother-in-law. 

"You're not worried all that will be a little heavy?" 

"My job is the health of the crew. I have to do what I can to protect that. Artemis and I used to go hiking, it's not me you should be worried about keeping up." They didn't comment on the hidden meaning behind what he just said, but it was clear they both understood it. With a silent nod Alex leaves the infirmary. 

Alex finds his nephew in the corridor. "You'll need a pair of boots and gloves." Will looks up at his uncle, not aware of his presence previously. "Have you ever been hiking before?" Will shakes his head silently. Alex simply gives a single nod in acknowledgement. "We're meeting soon." 

A few minutes later Alex is met at the entrance by Apollo and Will. "Let's head out." And with that the three of them venture out into the woods. "Val gave me these," Apollo says, handing the other two each a small com-like device. "So we can communicate in emergencies." They each put the small device in their ear and continue on their way. The sun is starting its climb over the horizon, light streaming through the trees and making patterns on the forest floor. They each take a deep breath. Will wrinkles his nose, "What's that smell?" 

Apollo chuckles. Alex roll this eyes and replies. "It's called air. Real fresh air, not that artificially filtered stuff you're used to back home." There's a moment of silence as Alex looks around. "We should get moving. Water and food should be our top priorities right now." 

They took off into the woods, following Alex. Occasionally they would duck under branches or one of them would stumble on a root or uneven ground that would turn out to be a giant footprint from local wildlife. Once or twice they stop at the sound of crashing int eh trees and would look around. When the sound of crashing came closer they stop and look around on high alert. They ground starts to feel as though it's shaking and all three of them are struggling to keep their balance issues and his eyes go wide. 

Alex spies the cause of their sudden balance issues and his eyes go wide. "No! Move!" He runs out of the way of the herd of giant dinosaurs that are rumbling through the woods, carving a path through he trees as though they were toothpicks. Apollo and Will dive out of the way just in time, landing next to Alex. 

"What are those?!" Will pants, staring at the giant animals with wide eyes. Apollo squints up at the thundering herd. "If I remember correctly they're called Argentinasaurus. It's a titanosaur or sauropod I think. My pre-historic animal knowledge isn't the best off the top of my head." 

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