chapter 8: dumb gays

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Closing the door to her room, she watched Adora turn around to push down the door handle of her own dorm, sliding herself in and locking it behind her, not looking back once. It was probably good that she didn't or else she'd meet Catra's eyes as she watched her walk away, still in jaw-dropped admiration of her toned form. After she had exited the girl's view, she let her own door shut and went back inside where her guitar lay on her bed, put down immediately upon hearing the door knock. 

She was playing a song from Chase Atlantic, one of her favourite bands, the song selectively chosen to help her filter through her thoughts in her head. Befriending Adora was going well, their conversations never pausing in an awkward way and their friendly banter easily ricocheted, yet seeing her standing exposed at her door, muscles shown off, made her feel a different kind of way. Not trying to let herself get distracted, she ignored whatever she was feeling, whilst it was a familiar sensation, and let it brush off as approbation for wanting to be that strong herself. Picking up her guitar again and positioning the body of it under her arm in anticipation of a strum, her eyes flickered over to her open suitcase with clothes awaiting their unpacking, thinking of what she could potentially wear when she got to see the attractive girl later. 


After smashing out an hour and a bit of study, Adora began to pack away her notebook containing her freshly written business report that was part of their homework and closed her laptop screen, showcasing a completed online math course consisting of revision questions. She liked to be on top of her work so she had time to focus on improving her dance skills and minimising stress, the organisation also being a valuable skill for future jobs she intends to have options for. Darting her gaze across her screen as she began to lower it, noticing the 6:01 at the top. She noted the time she had left before her guests would arrive to order dinner to the room and moving efficiently, she pulled her workout clothing off and tossed the sweaty undergarments into a nearly full laundry basket, noting how she'd have to do a load soon, before stepping into the curtain-drawn bath and letting cold water transition to warm flow on her, the initial cool calmed her heated body down. As she moved through steps of washing her hair, body, and face, her thoughts now free of schoolwork, she lingered on her dance goals, yet Catra was able to sneak into them, their duo dominating her mind. The tension between them was undeniable, yet it was all fake...right? 

'I wonder if she's thinking about it too.'


Catra was rummaging through her suitcase, clothing possibilities being flung onto her bed while discards were tossed back into the black casing. She didn't know how she should dress, is this a casual thing? Meaning she could wear sweats and a jumper, or since she's a guest should she dress up a bit more? Skirts and cargos paired with different layered options swapped through her mind as she mentally pictured the potential outfit combinations. She didn't even know why she cared this much, Adora's just a friend, and a new friend, she wouldn't judge her for her wardrobe choices. 

Reaching an arm across to her dormant phone on the floor that was quietly playing AC/DC, rather ironic due to the loudness of the guitar in the backing track, she tapped the screen once to let it light up, the time becoming visible to her, 6:19. 

She'd have to find an outfit soon, not that it would take long to get to her room, but her hair still needed to be tamed, deodorant needed to be reapplied, probably smelling of dried sweat due to their class earlier, maybe makeup if she decided she'd put in that kind of effort for meeting these new people and seeing her fondly thought of neighbour. Catra decided she'd settle on something casual yet not too extra, choosing to bring a jumper she could wear over the top if that was the fashion choice of the others she was to meet. Sticking to the colours she knew looked good on her, she went with her usual black which was the shade making up most of her wardrobe, a tight top that was double layered enough that she wouldn't need a bra underneath and black sweatpants that rested on her hips, accentuating her core muscles which she may have subconsciously been prioritising, Adora's body in the back of her mind. She also pulled a navy blue sweater out of her suitcase, small white lettering stitched into the upper left that read 'Wildcat', and left it on her bed as she made her way to the bathroom, toiletries spread out. 

Looking at herself in the mirror, she tucked a loose strand of brown hair behind her ear and decided what to do with the messy locks. Raising a wooden brush to her hair, she worked her way through it, smoothening out any knots that had managed to twist their way in, leaving the end result more put together, her layers under control. She let her eyes travel over the small collection of makeup she had, mascara, eyeliner, contour, pondering whether any of it would be worth the extra effort. Gaslighting herself that she needed to look presentable to meet the new people and not just Adora, she picked up her mascara and twisted the tube open, raising the brush to her eyelashes and drawing clear strokes through the hairs, lifting them up and then slightly to the outside to create a more cat-eye effect that she preferred. Not wanting it to clump by overlaying, she moved onto the other eye, face close to the mirror so she could see what she was doing better and repeated the process. As she pulled away to check the result of her addition, she liked how her eyes looked more sultry with the black lining the top, and lashes looking thicker. Choosing not to overdo it, replacing the brush into its tube and back onto the counter, she let her hand pass through her hair a few times, ensuring each hair was in place, before going back into her main room. Digging through a smaller pocket in her bag for her unisex vibe perfume and deoderant, she checked the time and preparing to make her appearance. 


Adora stepped out of the shower and dried herself with her towel, leaving it to wrap around her shoulders to protect from the cold air outside the humid shower. The mirror was steam coated and her image of herself was blurry, lifting the corner of her towel to wipe a wide window so she could see herself better. Quickly picking up one of her bottles organsied in a somewhat identifiable order, she pressed down on the top of the pump twice, letting moisturiser gather on her fingertips as she rubbed it on her face which was still slightly damp. Making her way back outside, the towel mostly covering her, she went to her wardrobe and did a quick scavenge, deciding what to wear. As once again, her thoughts bounced back to Catra's impressed glance at her frame, she decided to wear something upper body tight again, she didn't really pinpoint why she felt the need to show off to the girl, but she let herself pull loose grey pants from her wardrobe to counter the cropped padded tank she also took out, the muted light blue matching her eye shade. Bringing the combination as well as undergarments back to the bathroom with her, she gave her wet hair a quick squeeze before removing the towel to stretch the top over her head and pants up her lower body, resting dangerously close to her V-line so that her carved abs were significantly seen. 

Smirking at herself in the mirror as she raised a plastic brush to comb through her hair, stroking it back to create an unintentional siren-esque style, she didn't acknowledge her pride in her looks was thriving from her desire to impress the new girl. 

Oblivious as always.  

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