Chapter 8: Restrained Once More

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Jay and I were having no trouble beating up the thugs. What gave us trouble were the children. Even if we knocked them out already, the kids we were trying to save would rush back in and try to stomp on them. So, we also needed to watch the kids while beating these gangsters up. One of the kids almost got swiped in half with a sword, and Jay needed to swing his nunchucks at him in a certain place. Perhaps it would've been a good idea to bring Rumi with us. She could've kept the kids at bay. I was hopeful she was great with kids after spending her life in the palace.

We currently defeated eight out of the fifteen Sons of Garmadon members. The other five were already worn out but were still trying to fight. It was embarrassing really but it showed their resilience in trying to get the better of us. I was extremely focused on beating one of the bandits when we heard a horrifying scream. It was high in pitch and blood-curdling. It echoed throughout the broken-down plaza. Everyone who heard the scream stopped moving. The gangsters stopped fighting. The kids scurried behind anything they could shelter behind.

Jay and I shared a disturbed glance. I knew this shriek. It belonged to a girl I loved dearly. A girl I cared for with all my heart. The girl who owned my heart. It was Rumi. She was the one who let out that horrifying shriek. My own heart was beating rapidly out of fear when I recognized her scream. I should have never left her by herself. Let alone in an alleyway with no lighting of any sort. What in the world was I thinking?

I rushed towards Jay and said, "The shriek belonged to Rumi!"

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Go!" Jay yelled.

As I started to get moving I quickly asked, "Are you sure you'll be able to handle them?"

"Yes, now go! Save her!" Jay shouted.

I felt bad for leaving Jay alone to defeat the remaining five Sons of Garmadon gangsters. I felt even worse for leaving Rumi all alone. She must've been so terrified when we left. Anything could've happened in that dark alleyway. It was pitch black and it was unbelievable to see anything. Someone could've been hiding in there waiting for Jay and me to leave. They could've pounced on her and dragged her off somewhere.

What if she wasn't even there anymore? What if she was torn to little bits? What if she was dead?

I raced to the location of the alleyway where I last saw her. I wasn't tired or winded because of the adrenaline burning through my veins. My adrenaline increased my blood pressure to send more blood to my muscles and heart. It was helping my lungs breathe easier so I wouldn't have to breathe in deeply. It also carried me to the alleyway quickly. My fear for Rumi also aided in my rush.

As I got there, I saw a man in a hoodie on top of Rumi. She was struggling against his hands as he restrained her. I took in that my blade was meters away from her which meant that she was either tackled or ambushed. I assumed it was the before. My first thought when I saw this man was to blast him with my elemental powers. Her eyes were wide with horror as she continued to fight his grip. Out of fear for Rumi, I shot my elemental powers straight at the man hitting his chest area. At first, I was aiming for his head, but he noticed me while I had already launched the energy ball towards him. As a result, it hit his chest instead of his head. Lucky him.

The man was launched towards a dumpster and went smack into it. There was a nasty crunch that was heard once his body made contact with the trash dumpster. I quickly grasped my sword and ran to Rumi. She hadn't gotten up from her lying position and was staring at the sky. I rushed to where she was lying down and glanced back at the still figure slumped over by the dumpster. He was fine. However, he might feel pain in his back in the morning when he wakes up.

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