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'as of 28th October 2023, i can finally state that my mind is at the point where i dont even understand myself. this book is intended to be almost a journey -a mutual adventure, if you will- towards the unknown future ahead of me.'

this journal, a project that was originally meant to be called a depressing and sickeningly pathetic "why i chose books over having friends," is just me ranting about my interests, experiences, and thoughts. started back in late 2021, this silly wattpad story shall recall and elaborate certain highlights of my life, whilst also attempting to remain poetic as it possibly can — for your sake as well as mine. 

ANYWAYS, some basic information:
-> HEY i'm avery and i'm honoured to have you here
-> a variety of trigger warnings shall be placed before each chapter, as each are specific to that section only
-> i may include dates to certain chapters, but since many of them will only include influence and not recollection of my own experiences, i will refrain from doing so for some of them
->> therefore, many of them won't be in chronological order :)
-> this is just an experiment towards my own writing path, and not something that should be taken 100% seriously.

'as of 24th November 2023, i declare that i shall finally face my own fears of witnessing others' judgement towards  me, and risk the last remaining fragments of my pride and self-respect for the sake of speaking my mind.'

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