Anticipation - Loona

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"Loony c'mon! We're gonna be late!"

Blitzø's voice echoed from the living room. Loona growled slightly in annoyance, pausing from applying some eyeliner.

"Ugh what's the big deal? You're the boss aren't you? Can't you just show up whenever you want?"

She then continued to put on the make up. She wasn't going all out by any means, but she definitely wanted to look a little more put together for today. She was feeling pretty nervous about meeting up with Echo, and that nervousness was manifesting as increased irritability.

"Not if I want to be a good boss. Besides, I already got a text from Moxxie saying he'll be late. So if I want to give him maximum shit for it, we need to be there on time."

Loona sighed. Giving Moxxie shit was one of her favorite pastimes.

"Ok, ok. I'll try to hurry a bit."

"Thank you sweety!" Blitzø's voice trailed off for a second, but then, "what's taking you so long anyways?"

Loonas eyes widened and her ears flattened against her head. She had been worried about this happening.

"U-uhm, nothing. Just doing my make up. I'll be done in a sec."

Blitzø didn't say anything in respone. That seemed to satisfy his curiosity. Loona finished applying her make up and checked herself one last time in the mirror. Happy with the results, she went to meet Blitzø in the living room.

When Blitzø saw her, his face lit up in an annoying grin.

"Looking good Loony. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to impress someone," he said teasingly.

"Uuugh, shut up da-"

Blitzø's face turned to an expression of pure joy.

"Rrrgh, Blitzø. I just wanted to look a little nicer ok!? Is that a crime?"

Blitzø's face fell a bit when she didn't call him 'dad', but he still kept a smile. But now it was warm and encouraging.

"Loony you look amazing, as usual. I know you're kinda nervous and that's ok. You've just gotta, y'know, go be yourself and have fun. Don't focus on doing everything right, or saying the perfect thing. Just do the things and say the stuff. If it works out, then that's great. If not, well, that's what first dates are for. To figure out if it will work. At least for a bit."

Loona gave a small smile. As idiotic as he acted somtimes, he could give some pretty good advice when he needed to. She actually was feeling a bit better about it. Still a little nervous, but better.

"Thanks, Dad," She said quietly.

"Anytime Loony. Now c'mon. I've gotta make sure I can drag Moxxie through the sewers with guilt. I texted Millie and she said that she would be on time. Something about he said not to wait up for him. Which means he gets the full tidal wave of shit."


Blitzø drove the company van like a bat out of hell, weaving between other cars, drifting around corners, and badly screaming the lyrics to one of his favorite songs. Used to this, Loona was sitting in the passenger seat distractedly scrolling on her phone.

After nearly hitting every other car in the parking lot, the van screeched to a stop in the singular parking spot assigned to I.M.P. Blitzø and Loona hopped out and started making their way to the building.

"So when were you going to meet up with this guy again?" Blitzø asked.

Loona hesitated. " I don't know actually. He has a meeting that he was going to and he said he would let me know where to meet him when it was finished. So I guess whenever he texts me."

"OK that works. You can take off whenever you need too. I'll just force Moxxie to man the phones on top of his normal duties as punishment for being late." An evil grin spread across his face.

Loona matched the smile. "Awesome." She then sent a text to Echo letting him know she could leave work at any time.

The two entered the building and took the elevator up to their floor. The hall way was quiet as usual. They entered the office and saw Millie sitting on the couch, looking slightly worried.

"Hey guys. No sign of Moxxie yet. He lost his favorite bow tie and refused to wear a different one. So that's why he's late."

Loona gave little reaction to Millie and just made her way to her desk and took a seat. Propping her feet up, she kept scrolling on her phone, only half paying attention to what the other two were saying.

"Well I can certainly understand wanting to be dressed to kill, especially in this job..." Blitzø paused for a moment waiting for a reaction to his joke. Millie gave a small giggle, and Loona just ignored it.

"...But that doesn't change the fact that he needs to be present at the time he is scheduled. I'm trying to run a business here, and I can't do that if employees don't show up."

At that moment Moxxie burst through the door panting. It looked as though he had sprinted there. His bow tie, while present, was crooked, and there was a tear on the right knee of his pants and a scrape was showing on the skin underneath.

"Oh well, speak of the devil," Blitzø said sarcastically, which did earn a small smile from Loona.

"I-I'm so sorry sir. I came as quickly as I could."

Millie gasped and rushed over to him. "Moxxie what happened? Are you ok? Who do I need to gut?"

"Relax honey, it's just a small scrape. I wasn't looking where I was going on the way here and I bumped into someone and lost my balance. They were very kind about it. And they had an amazing old revolver too. You should have seen it!"

Blitzø cut in. "Oh well I'm so glad you had a chance to fawn over some random dudes pea shooter when you should have been at your job."

Loona jumped in as well. "We all know he loves pea shooters."

Blitzø's face split in a sinister grin. "Oh yeah, especially one's with extra thick barrels. Those are his favorite."

Moxxie looked confused, "I don't... uh... what?"

"Dicks Moxxie, we're saying you like dicks." Blitzø sighed. "But putting your sexual cravings aside, I can't tolerate tardiness. So to make up for your missed time, you will be taking over Loona's responsibilities on top of your own for the day."

Moxxie just sputtered in protest, trying to say something to argue, or declare the unfairness, but unable to find the words.

"So she's just gonna sit there while I do all the work!?"

Loona rolled her eyes.

"I'm taking the day off to meet up with a friend, idiot. Not that you would know what having friends is like."

"Hey I have friends. And if you think-"

Loona tuned him out at this point. Her phone then went off and she saw that it was Echo. The message told her he was ready and where to meet. Wasting no time she got up.

"Kay Blitzø I'm leaving."

"Ok have fun Loony! Be safe, make good choices!"

Loona nodded and made her way out to the elevator. As she left she could still hear Moxxie bitching and moaning. She smirked a bit.

Getting to the ground floor she quickly made her way outside. 5th and 7th wasn't too far away.

Excitement and nervousness once again crept up in her stomach and she started walking down the street. But Blitzø's advice from earlier played in her head again. She just had to have fun and be herself right? How hard can it be?

"I can do this."

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