Chap1 "The day my life was taken from me as an extra"

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[This story is translated with Google translator, if you see a lot of mistakes, that's why. If you know Spanish and want to have a better reading experience, in my profile is the story in that language. But I still hope you enjoy reading it].

[PD: Before starting, you should know that the character is Minoru and not Cid Kagenou, since in this fic he didn't die to reincarnate, but I'll use Cid Kagenou anyway because it's more comfortable for me. Now yes, continue with the story :) ]

I wanted to become the most powerful being in this world, I longed for a power that surpassed the human limitations that bound me.

My determination drove me to train tirelessly, but even with my unwavering dedication, I realized that as an ordinary human being, the odds were against me.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't beat a gang of 100 people without some kind of advantage.

I realized that to overcome such a challenge, I would need a weapon, be it a gun or a knife. But even with a gun in hand, I asked myself: What would happen if those 100 men were just as armed as me? The outlook was becoming even bleaker.

In that scenario, the truth was undeniable: without any advantage, it would be impossible to beat them. The battle would simply be unattainable.

Sure, you could argue that with a meticulously crafted plan, you could defeat them. You could ambush them, attack them by surprise, or eliminate them one by one. But even that would depend on the situation, the disposition of the factors and the cunning of my tactics. The reality was inescapable: the power of the human being, despite all our aspirations and dreams, has its limits.

The fragility of our existence was revealed to me in an implacable way.

We can't withstand a nuclear bomb, we can't withstand a shot to the head.

This harsh reality became a heavy burden on my aspirations and hopes. My dreams, once filled with ambition and determination, have completely vanished in the face of this implacable truth. Immortality, the idea of being invulnerable, and the desire to be the strongest in the world to completely dominate destiny on one's own, faded away like ephemeral shadows.


- I wonder. What should I do? Is there something that attracts my attention enough to continue living?

I looked at the table in my room, on which there was a letter.

- I don't know why they sent me this, but maybe you are interested in this proposal.

Yesterday I received this letter. Which named a school, called Koudou Keisei, a place where geniuses and the elite gather to enter the institute, where supposedly if you graduate from it they give you a benefit of 100% guaranteed employment, whatever you want.

This was completely strange. How could they give you this benefit? It is impossible. For example, first of all they invited me... a person who, although he is intelligent, strong and good at martial arts, hid it... and no one knows about my abilities... So, what I want to get at.

I am an average student in the eyes of people, average grades, average physique. And according to this school, if I graduate, can I choose any job? So, even if I don't have the skills to be a professional player in some sport, could they let me in?

If you think about it, there is something that doesn't quite add up, of course this may sound paranoid, but if I want to find out I should enter this school.

I thought in my mind before finding an answer.

- Well, I have nothing more interesting to do. My dreams are gone... Maybe I can find capable people or at least distract myself.

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