One last dance

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Bellatrix x Reader 

Insight:You are a professor at Hogwarts. When you were younger you were in a relationship with the one and only Bellatrix black..before she joined Voldemort's side. You are fighting in the war at Hogwarts when you come face to face with your old flame.

Noone pov:”Watch out kids!” You shouted, casting disarming spells at two death eaters who were cornering two of your students.You ran over to the kids and scanned them over for marks “Go to the front of the school. The others are meeting up.Go find an upperclassman.” You told them nodding before turning back to throughout deflecting charms as an off course spell went towards you. You ended up in the great hall as your breath was had to take a breather. “And here I thought you had more in you darling.” A familiar mocking voice called out. Your eyes immediately snapped up and you gripped your wand in your hand. Your eyes met ones that held a dark and taunting gaze.”Bellatrix.” Her name fell from your tongue leaving a bitter taste. She smirked tauntingly stalking over to you like she was looking at prey “Oh? No more bella or trixie?” You hated how that smirk that you saw so many times was now nothing more than a mocking symbol of the women you fell in-love with back in your Hogwarts years. You raise your wand not taking your eyes off her “I’m not falling for your games lestrange. I’m here to protect my students.” Your voice was firm yet you knew deep down you wanted to scream and shout at her. And you could tell she could still read you just like she used to.”My darling you and I both know that your words aren’t fully true..don’t we?” Her tone had a mocking sweet tone to it. You felt your hands shake ever so slightly as she was less than eight feet away from you..all the emotions you have held back for years..all the hurt when you read the daily prophet about the women in-front of you.”Oh~? What's this having a little trouble with your wand luv?” She walked till she met the end of your wand giving you a taunting smile.”Go on then let’s see if you can “protect your students.” You met her eyes, the same eyes you used to look at and feel as if you were the happiest person alive..the same eyes you wiped tears from. “Merlin I hate you.STUPEFY!” You shouted sending her a few feet felt the tears roll down your face but you held nothing but a blank expression.All Bellatrix did was chuckle as she recovered “I know my darling was still  in there! Now one last dance luv?” She said with a smirk raising her wand.

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