Book 14: Red Dawn

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Inspired by L3w15_EM

                     Human X Anthro


The world was peaceful, full of life, now it is a wasteland. The government fired nuclear rockets into space to save Human and Anthro kind from an Astroid. But in the process, the fallout fell back to earth, mutating all feral animals into bloodthirsty killing machines that preyed on both Humanity and Anthrea alike. Even with their combined strength, both races were left blindsided as the animals rampaged through major cities and towns killing everything in their path. 7 years later, 87% of Humanity and Anthrea are extinct and worse, the virus has now mutated and is able to infect Humans. Not only that, but the fallout like virus has now given birth to horrific hybrid like animals. The remaining Anthro leadership has ordered any and all Humans found be brought to sanctuaries and military bases with hopes to turn the tide of war against the beasts and reclaim the world as they once knew. Luke or (Y/N) has been on his own surviving since the fall. All he wants is to survive. With danger all around, he see's no hope. But hope is not lost. Not yet.


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                              Age: 20

                  Species: Human Male

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