Destination Despair - 1

940 44 59

Rule 5:
Once a murder takes place, a class trial will begin shortly thereafter. Participation is mandatory for all surviving students.

Rule 6:
If the blackened is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.

Rule 7:
If the blackened is not exposed, the remaining students will be executed.

Rule 8:
As a reward, the surviving blackened will be forgiven of their crime and allowed to leave the island.

Rule 9:
The Body Discovery Announcement (BDA) will play as soon as three or more people discover a body for the first time.

Rule 10:
Destroying any property on this island without permission is expressly prohibited. This includes surveillance camera and monitors.

Rule 11:
You are free to investigate this island at your own discretion. Your actions in this regard are not limited.

Last Rule:
Additional school trip rules may be added at the headmaster's discretion.

You slowly lowered your E-Handbook with a sigh. He wasn't lying when he said he added new rules...

Oddly enough, Monomi's rules were still present... Are they still active?

After Monokuma's departure, and Byakuya's... advice. Everyone just slowly left, being cautious of their surroundings.

Monokuma shortly after made an announcement, stating that it was nighttime and that there were cottages for everyone (as you've already seen before).

And so, you were currently in your cottage, lying down in your bed. It was nice and comfortable, sure, but all of that goes out the window when you remember just why you're stuck here.

If you want to leave the island... you must kill someone, and get away with it...

You turned your E-Handbook off and tossed it onto the bedside table.

No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't wrap your head around it.

High school students trapped on an island with the only escape being murder? Who could create such a scenario?

And why us? Why just us 17...? I don't get it... Maybe other students are trapped on different islands, doing the same thing?

But... Hope's Peak seemed like a typical prestigious school... Did they select a random class to participate in such a thing, and we were the unlucky ones...?

No! There's no way they could get away with something like that, right...?

Well... maybe...

If Hope's Peak is a government-funded school... Is this a test? A survival of the fittest thing? A test to see which ultimate student could triumph over the others...?

No, that can't be possible...!

But... it would explain how they got the funding for those machines and weapons... but still...


Who are you, Monokuma...? What did you do to Hope's Peak...?

While putting all thoughts and theories to the side, you closed your eyes and tried to get any rest you could.

Ultimate Marksman (Goodbye Despair Rewrite x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now