Chapter 1: The loli arrives

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As always, she will be the protagonist.

As always, she will be the protagonist

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The words written under this "..........." Indicates our protagonist speaking.

The words written in this font indicates the thoughts of a character inside its mind.

That's all. Enjoy!



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Blue. The only colour right now that I can see upon opening my eyes is blue with a hint of white shining brightly in my eyes. Blue is my favourite colour, right at the top along with red. Too bad I can't find any type of elation upon founding myself surrounded in my favourite colour since my lungs are screaming right now.


My lungs were feeling like they were on fire due to the lack of oxygen. I moved my arms and body upwards and downwards desperately in random directions in order to grasp a tiny bit of air in my mouth.

It was then I realised at that exact moment that I have somehow found myself inside some kind of water body when I felt some resistance while moving my arms and body.

It should have been obvious. How could I be so stupid! As if to prove my point, a random fish randomly comes out of nowhere and swims right past me. A shoal of fish was hovering right above my head.

 A shoal of fish was hovering right above my head

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Loli × Genshin impact (yuri harem)Where stories live. Discover now