Beach day

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I walk into class, everyone exits, and the halls are filled with laughter. "What's going on?" I asked my friend who was sitting at a desk. "There's been a beach day assigned, who knows, maybe you'll see your crush~" she smiled, "Oh shut up!" I sit down and look the the flyer from another friend.

"Imagine if I do see him," I giggle to her and she shakes her head. "You and your crushes, crazy," she said. "I'm sorry I love people, how dare I?" I mock her. She rolls her eyes and pushes my head back.

Hours passed and now it was 4:30 my friends were supposed to pick me up any minute now, and then their cars pulled up. "Bye, mom! By Dad!" I yell and run out the door, "I'm so excited!!!" I yell and get in the car, and the girls talk, they even bring in some of their other friends from different classes.

As we pulled up it was pretty crowded, much fewer people than I expected it to be since half the school would be there I thought.  I get out of the car and put my and my friend's stuff on the beach, setting up for the night.

"Y/n, you said you had a crush on that boy over there right?" One of my friends of a friend says pointing right at him. His perfect body, perfect hair, beautiful smile. "Mhm," I smile, "come on! You gotta go up to him, say hello!" She says pushing me over, " I can't, he doesn't talk to me you know? I can't tell him I like him just like that," I plead, "yes you can! I can get any man right now all I need to do is talk to him, it's easy."

I stay seated. After relaxing for a bit, one of my friends got up and went to the snack bar with her friends, leaving me alone since everyone else had gone to the bathroom. I stay lying on my stomach until I hear a voice behind me, "hi,"

I turn around and see my crush, "oh hi! I didn't know you were out here." I say "Yeaa.. my friends forced me to come. Not too bad but a little board." He says putting the alcohol bottle In between us.

"Can I steal some?" I ask him, looking up at him as I lean down. "Sure, go right ahead." He smiles and leans backward. "So how are you doing?" He asks I chug the drink real quick, "Not too bad, just been talking to everyone." I strain since the taste of the alcohol is so strong. "Oh good." He says, looks over to me, "Hey, you know I know a spot not too far from here, Still at the water but! It's away from other people, and since both of our friends are occupied," He smiles "You wanna head over?" He asks as his eyes and hair lighten from the sunlight. 

Out alone with my crush, By the beach. Are you kidding?! I thought. "Yeah! That sounds fun." I smile and stand up. "So, How far is it?" I ask him and brush off the sand on my hands. "Not really far but by that half of the lake, behind the trees, it's like a hole other section and me and my brothers used to make forts with branches. It's nice." He smiles. 

As we walked down, the silence grew loud. "So, I know we don't talk much, And this is quite awkward, so Tell me a bit about yourself," He says. "Well, not much to talk about really." I chuckle. "I guess I'm a good crafter and a good cook. My Grandma used to teach me how to cook, and my grandpa taught me how to do crafts. So I got a lot of knowledge in both of those you can say." I laugh, 

"You a cooker and a crafter?" He was left stunned, "Yeah, it's not that big of a deal." I say looking around. "That's impressive, I can't cook or Craft. My mom tried to teach me how to cook and she said that I was the worst." we both laughed. 

We walk for a while, talking about stuff that's happening in our lives,  Then we get to the Branch and log structures. 

"Well, here it is." He smirks. "I made that one, the one that looks like shit." He shakes his head pointing at one that's barely standing. "Oh!?" I laugh. "I see why you were so amazed to hear that I'm good at crafts." I smile looking at him turn as red as can be. "You know. I can help build a little hut for you." I smirk. 

"Really!?" He lights up. "I  Mean.. Thank you." He tries to make himself more tough. I feel my face blush so I quickly look away. "Yeah, you're welcome," I say under my breath. "But, let's go see the view from hear. Ok?" He says grabbing my arm. and running with me. "You'll love it!" He shrieked. The wind flowed threw my hair, Making my sundress flow. We get to a rocky and sandy area.

"Pretty?" He asks, I look out and see the purple and pink sky, "It's beautiful," I say in shock. There's an area below the cliff that goes to the water, The waves from the old boats are hitting the mini beach. I sit down on the rocks, staring out in shock. "You know Y/N, I've looked at you the same way that I've looked at the sunset. The utter shock of how beautiful and amazing it is." He gets down and sits next to me, blushing, and starts to grab my hand. 

I slowly look over at him, "What are you saying?" I stare at him. "Well, Uhm. I think you are really beautiful, and I think that maybe we can go out on a date if you want to." He says, trying to be loud enough to hear. "I-" I mutter out. "Well, 's OK. I don't think you have to if you don't want to." He starts to say fast. "No, I never said-" he cuts me off again, Letting go of my hand. "That would be very creepy if I said that you had to go out with me even if you didn't want to." He says even faster.

"C/N!" (Crush's/Name) I say and grab his face, connecting it to mine. Kissing his lips quickly. I can feel his face relax, and then his whole body releases all the tension. I slowly pull away. "I do want to go out with you, OK?" I smile. He stared at me in shock, I could hear his thoughts processing. "Really?" He says. "Yes, I think you are cute, and I would love to go out with you again." I giggle, Holding his cute shocked face. 

"Again?" He says. I nodd, "Right now can count as the first date. This is perfect." I say. "You know what can make it even more perfect?" He grins. "What is it?" I ask, His eyes turn into a dazed look. "Come here." He says and grabs my waist, Pulling me over to his lap. I sit on his leg and stare into his eyes. "That kiss was perfect," He smiles, going in for another kiss. I can feel his hand going around my waist, My hands on his neck. Our lips softly colliding. Then being pulled away, He moves my hand behind my ear, leaning up to me. "You have no clue how bad I've wanted to do this." He whispers, Sending shivers up my spine. "C/N," I mutter, grabbing his hand and resting my head on his shoulder. 

"You looked so pretty earlier, and I couldn't resist myself, I just had to get you out here with me. Alone." He says wrapping his hands around my back.  His words and voice were circling my mind. "I've liked you for so long Y/N," He says again, turning his head into my neck. His breath warmed my neck. "I've liked you for a long time too," I say.

"I don't think you know." He says, this time with more breath, Sending shivers down my whole body. "C/N" I whisper in his ear, stretching out my neck. His lips softly touched my neck. Leaving peaking noises, He went from right at my ear to the middle of my neck. Ever so softly going down. I wrap my arm around his other shoulder. His hand came up to the back of my neck. 

"You taste so good," He says twirling his tongue against me, I wince at the feeling. "I want all of you," He then puts his head down on my shoulder, resting. I just sat there, on him, My crush, and He wanted me.

I didn't know what to say or do, I just sat. "I wanted you badly too," I say in his ear. "No, I want you EVEN MORE right now." He firmly said. Pulling my hair taking my head off his shoulder and in front of his face. 

"It's like I'm obsessed." 

1519 words!! sorry it is short and rushed but at least there is a story out now, I have been working on all of them but since school🤢 and I have a life 🤮 I haven't managed time with writing, if there's a way I can upgrade my writing, TELL ME PLEASE 🙏   9:07 10/25/23

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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