pilot part 2 💜🎪

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We walked down the hall. Ragatha was explaining how everything works. "so this is where we all live, or well where we all sleep at night. Even though we don't really need to sleep it's kind of nice to take a break from everything and have a bit of a routine you know?" She smiled at Pomni as we passed her door. "I still don't understand. About the adventures. Why even go on them at all? Why not try to find a way to leave?" Pomni asked "well you try at first. But then you accept it" I smiled "appect what?" Pomni asked "well we accept that you really can't leave and constantly trading an unattainable goal will start driving a bit crazy. And eventually get to asking what the point of anything is and you completely lose sight of who you are and why are you even alive and when you reach your breaking point something really terrible can happen-" "Ragatha!" I snapped her out of it. "ah but that's not something we need to deal with today. Above anything else The adventers give us something to do that keeps our minds healthy and stimulated" she smiled as she rung the doorbell. No one answered. "Mabye he's not in his room" I suggested. "I hope he's okay" I mumbled in cornsern. "Don't worry Princess I've got a key to his room" he smirked as he pulled out a key. "wha wait wh- why!?! You, you shouldn't have keys to anyones room" Ragatha asked. "How do you think I got into Y/N's room? I've got keys everywhere a d you've all be fine" he said as he began unlocking the door. "By the way. I may have left you something in your room today, let me know if you find it. Your not afraid of centipedes are you?" He asked Ragatha with a stupid smirk. "Jax! That is literally my only fear WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!?!" She yelled in cornsern. "What, it could be a completely unrelated question. You'll never know until it's too late" he smirked as the door unlocked.

The moment we saw what was inside was terrifying. Kaufmo had written 'exit' all over his walls!  And standing in the middle of it was a giant glitchy monster. I've been told about Abstracting but I've never actually seen it. Until now. "I've been looking for this. Thanks for keeping an eye on it Kaufy. We're gonna head out. See ya" he said as in one hand he held a bowling ball and in the other he grabbed my hand, "Wait what-" before I could finish he began running!

"The hell was that about!" I yelled as we ran. "Your welcome" he yelled as we ran "the heck do you mean your welcome!?! We just left them!" I yelled "would you rather be attacked by that giant thing?" He asked as we stopped. "no" I said as I panted for breath. "Then your welcome" he said as we began trying to get our breath back. Then we saw Kinger and Gangel, "sup, fellas" he said to them. "JAX! Y/N! We found the Zooble hole" Kinger said proudly. "Cool" he said. "How is Kaufmo doing? I hope he's not still mad at me for not laughing at his jokes" Gangel said sadly. "oh yeah he's doing amazing" I lied. Jax caught onto what I was doing and smirked "I've actually never seen him so happy" he played along. "well it's good to know he hasn't completely lost his mind" Kinger sighed out if relief. Then me and Jax heard Kaufmo. "He Actually asked me to give you this" Jax smirked as he showed the bowling ball. Then he threw it at him! Causing him to fall down the hole! Then Gangel fell after him! "The actual hell!" I yelled. "c'mon, before that thing shows up. Or you could stay here. Your funeral" he smirked as he jumped down the hole. I heard the roar. I looked back at the hole. "It's so dark. And I don't know where it leads" I mumbled. Then I heard the roar again and immediately jumped in after him.

Once I got down the slide I landed right beside Jax. He had kicked the last bowling pin and earned a spare. I stood up and the sign hit me back down. He broke the sign and helped me up. "See wasn't so bad" he smirked. When we looked around we saw a giant disgusting slug thing. "An insect collection?" Kinger asked "I think it's a nest" Gangel said. "AHHH-"

"What form of Non Gloinkinian Mass dares presume the presence of the Gloink queen?" The Slug thing yelled. "Oh, is that who you are? You know you cloud have asked for my consent before forcing me to see something so completely and utterly disgusting" Jax said bluntly, I laughed a bit at this. "How despicable! A rabbitold that runs its mouth in the presence of my royal figure!" She yelled. "I apologize for my friends comments your royal sluggishness." I smirked earning a high five from Jax. "And you! What right do you have to say that to a queen!" She yelled at me. "Well as a royal myself I would kindly ask if- oh hey it's Zooble, hi Zooble!" Kinger said as we turned to the Gloinks who were carrying her head. "help me idiots!" She yelled "kidna rude Zooble. Now I don't want to help you" Jax said as he turned away. "Idot? That's the second time you've called me that. Get creative" I said to her as Kinger and Gangel played rock paper scissors to decide who would save her. And Gangel lost. So Kinger tried to help but only ended up loosing his hands aswell and Zooble. "KINGER YOU MOTHER-" she got eaten before she could continue. "Eh she'll be fine" Jax shrugged. Then I saw one of the Gloinks was glitching. And Jax noticed aswell because he looked away and pretended not to notice.

"You foolish assortment of colourful charecters! Do you not realize that everything must be Gloinks? I am Gloinks, you will be Gloinks, God will be Gloinks!" She yelled. "If I looked like you I'd physically barf" I said to her. "This is Dumb and weird" Jax replied. "Well- YOUR STILL WATCHING IT!" She yelled. "I'm not here for the adventure I'm here because I got dragged into it by him" I said as I pointed at Jax. "And I'm not here for the adventure I'm here to hide from-" suddenly Kaufmo Crashed through the roof of the cave and fell ontop of the Gloink Queen! She coughed out Zooble thank God. As the Gloink Queen got beaten up by Kaufmo I stepped back slightly as I was still scared of it. "What's happening!?!" Gangel yelled "it's just Kaufmo don't worry about it" Jax sighed. "Kaufmo Abstracted!?!" She yelled "nah he's fine" Jax said calmly. "How are you so calm!?!" I yelled as he just shrugged in response. "your right! How are we gonna get out of here!" Kinger yelled as he held Zoobles head. "You guys. Over there" Zooble sighed as we saw an escalator. As we approached it Jax stepped out the way
"Ladies first" I didn't trust it and stepped backwards. But poor Gangel did and walked ahead. "Wait why would I say that" he asked himself as he pushed her away! I made sure she was okay and we began our ride up.

Once we got up we found Caine with Pomni! "Caine! Thank God we found you!" I yelled as I panted for breath. "Kaufmo went through some kind of Kaufmosis and Abstracted!" Kinger continued. "Kaufmo Abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me?" He asked. "Because you weren't here" i mumbled as he dragged Kaufmo to the cellar. "Man. I can't believe that Kaufmo just gave up like that. No offence Kinger but I always thought you would be next" Zooble said as she re attached her head to her body. "Guess it just goes to show you can't rely on Kinger for anything. Then Ragatha crawled over! She was glitching like crazy! "Oh my God Ragatha!" I yelled in cornsern. Then Caine fixed her up and we stood next Pomni. Turns out Caine had lied about the Exit. It was a cancelled project that Pomni went through as a last minute effort to get back to the real world and it actually lead to the void. Wow. She was about to leave Ragatha who was in so much pain and just go.  Because we won we were treated to a digital feast prepared by Bubble. Well This ought to be good. I just sat there talking to Ragatha Making sure she was okay and I apologized for letting Jax drag me away. She said she understood but I still felt bad. Then I looked at Pomni. She was just staring ahead.

Kelp reading there is an AN

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