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(Disclaimer:The characters of this story are not mine they sadly belong to their respective creators, and this is a work of fiction as such any similarities between the characters with any real life person dead or alive is merely coincidental and is deeply regretted)

Naruto returned to his human form as he looked at the Gremory group and a certain Hero wanna be minus Issei and Asia with a glare, the duo had retired for the night, with Asia seeking shelter in Issei's house, it was not that Naruto did not offer her a place to stay at his mansion but she preferred to stay at her first friend's house also the fact that he turned everyone helping Raynare into mince meat in a blink of an eye did not do earn him any points. As such he allowed her to stay with Issei but not before warning Issei that he would be castrated if he does something inappropriate to her, although Naruto knew that if Issei was even an iota of what Jiraiya was he would do no such thing, after all the super pervert bless his pervy soul might have peeped on females but despised rapist with his very being. The group in question squirmned a little as their respective guardians arrived one by one, Sirzechs Lucifer had a furious expression on his face, the maid accompanying him was the very definition of emotionlessness while the Hero Tribe representative well Naruto did not know why but he had the sudden urge to stomp that bastard's face, because he is Mizuki, someone whom no one cares or remembers except when someone needs to crack a joke to lighten the party as the Crimson Satan arrived Naruto stood up from his sit as he shook his hands as he spoke, 

Naruto:I'm sorry to call you here such an unsightly hour but as you see some weird stuff happened,Naruto said as  Sirzechs nodded at that as he spoke with a grimace, 

Sirzechs:No problem, I came as soon as I heard about it but before we.begin I would like to apologise on behalf of my clan as well as Rias's older brother for the problem she had caused,Sirzechs said as  Rias suddenly spoke in anger, 

Rias:Brother there is no need to apologise, and I was simply…, Sirzechs cut her off as he glared at her causing her to shrink back, as he spoke, 

Sirzechs:Rias shut up, I do not care what you did but why do such a thing, I am an incredibly busy person Rias, I have to take care my job as a Lucifer as well as help father on your behalf completing your duty as a clan heiress which you are unable to do because you are too young, I have so much work that my queen and I did not have time to sleep since last week, and now your shenanigans are already increasing my workload even more, stop acting like a child,Sirzechs said as Rias had tears on her eyes as Sirzechs turned to Naruto as he spoke, 

Sirzechs:Naruto rest assured I will personally take time from my work and discipline her,Sirzechs said as Mizuki spoke for the first time in a rather haughty tone.

Mizuki:Lucifer, instead of reprimanding your sister I think we should question the Overseer himself, after all it was under his watch something like that happened as such he should resigned from his position immediately and Amaterasu should hand over to us,Mizuki said as  both Naruto and Sirzechs looked at him as if he grew a second head as both of them and Grayfia had a similar thought in their mind, 'Which idiot got drunk enough to.send this idiot during a negotiation, Even Menma who was present there did a double take at him as Naruto gave him  a bored look as he spoke, 

Naruto:Then I apologise for taking 28 hours and 49 minutes to clean your mess which you could not complete in the last 6 months,Naruto said in a matter of fact as  Mizuki growled at that as he spoke, 

Mizuki:I do not care get that woman here and now otherwise we would declare war on you all,Mizuki said as Menma was now sweating bullets, 

Menma:This idiot if I get out of here alive, I am going to find whoever sent him here and use him or her as my training dummy for a whole year, Menma thought as  Naruto had a tick mark appeared on his forehead as he spoke anger evident in his voice, 

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