part 1

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Me aka narrator:today we explore what if ash woke up on time most of it is recapping exept for this first part because i have another what if (authors note ash will jse alot of his other pokemon ok) alright lets just jump right in 1.2.3

Ash! Honey, it's time to wake up!" Ash heard his mother call, making him groan softly as he rolled onto his back and slowly opened his eyes before sitting up and letting out a long cartoonish yawn,

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Ash! Honey, it's time to wake up!" Ash heard his mother call, making him groan softly as he rolled onto his back and slowly opened his eyes before sitting up and letting out a long cartoonish yawn,

"Coming mom!" He shouted back as he climbed out of his bed and looked out the window, seeing a small flock of Pidgey flying past his window

Suddenly remembering what day it was, Ash's face broke out into a large grin as he ran around his room, throwing his clothes on before running out his room and down the stairs, taking two steps at a time

"There you! Did you sleep okay son?" "I slept great! And I've finally decided what pokemon i want!" Ash replied with an ear-splitting grin, making his Delia smile at her son's excitement,

"That's great to hear honey! Normally i would say breakfast is ready, but i imagine you want to get your pokemon rig-" She started, only to blink as Ash disappeared, the the front door swung open as he ran towards the lab, his grin never leaving his face

"That boy is so impatient...he is definetly his farther's son" Delia said as she shook her head with a smile, returning to the kitchen after closing the front door.

Running up the steps to Professor Oak's lab, Ash was hyperventilating due to running all the way

Then he started knocking loudly on the front door, "Coming!" He heard from behind the door, followed by the shuffling of feet.

The door swung open to reveal Professor Oak, who smiled upon seeing Ash, "Ahh! Ash my boy, your early Oak said in surprise, which Ash either ignored or seemed to not notice as he continued to grin at the older man,

I feal offended you dont think i can wake- your mom woke you up right? Ash blushed Oak chuckled at the boy then stepped aside and allowing him in efore the two began walking down the hall.

As you know Ash - you have a choice of three pokemon. Luckily for you, they are all still here as you are the first one to arrive

Oak explained, earning a nod from Ash as he watched the professor press a button on the small machine, his eyes shinning brightly as the three poke'balls appeared from three holes on the platform. So who will you choose

 So who will you choose

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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