I can't lose you again

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Melinda needed a little comfort and who better than Phillip Coulson, the love of her life? But we all know Melinda May, who hates talking or showing feelings.

Melinda was lying in her bed. It was already very late and the rest of the team was already asleep. But Melinda just couldn't sleep. So she decided to get up again and go have some tea. She went to the kitchen.

Just as she entered the room, she saw Phil standing at the counter making coffee. She wanted to quickly turn around and sneak away, but she was too careless and stumbled. Melinda straightened up and turned around. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Phil asked. Melinda pressed her lips together and didn't make a sound. Then she slowly walked backwards, hoping Phil wouldn't come into the hallway. "Melinda?" Phil asked in surprise as he opened the kitchen door and walked to her in the hallway. "Um... Melinda?" Phil asked carefully, "Is everything okay? You could have just come in to me. I would have made you some tea if you wanted one." "Yes Phil. Everything is okay. I could not sleep. "I just didn't come in because I wanted to be alone," Melinda muttered. Phil frowned worriedly and walked towards her. Then he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it? You know you can talk to me about anything. I will help you when you feel bad. And I won't laugh. "I promise." Melinda smiled at him and then pulled him into a hug. Then she began to cry quietly. "Melinda? Are you crying?" Phil asked. She nodded. He broke the hug but left both of his hands on her shoulders. He looked at her, but Phil couldn't look her in the eyes like he wanted because she was looking at the floor. So he put a hand under her chin and lifted her head. He then wiped away the tears and asked her, "Mel. You don't have to tell me, but what's going on?" "So much has happened lately. We were in the future and almost died, before that we were trapped in the Framework and you were here for weeks with an LMD from me and didn't notice anything and now you've been taken by General Hale and you're dying! I just can't handle it! We've lost each other so many times and this time it's final. If you die, I will lose you forever," she sobbed. Phil pulled her back into his arms.

"Mel. You dont need to be afraid. I'm going to die and I've accepted that. And you won't be alone. You have the whole team and they all love you. Just like I love you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you and I am here for you. Until the end. Promise." "W-what?" Melinda asked surprised, "You... love me?" "And how. I never told you because I was afraid. I was way too shy in the academy and then you had Andrew and I thought you were happy. When he left, I thought you didn't want anyone else. But now I will do it. You are the love of my life and I will do everything to prevent me from dying so that you don't have to live without me," he explained.

A few weeks later

"May? We have good news! It worked! The cure worked! Coulson is alive! And he won't die. At least not through the deal with the GhostRider!" Jemma excitedly explained to May as she came out of Phil's hospital room. May's mouth hung open a little. Then without saying a word she ran past her and into Phil's room. "Hey," she said softly, "How are you Phil? Are you okay?" He smiled and nodded. Then he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. He carefully sat up and pulled her into his arms. "I thought I would never see you again. The drug could have killed you. I was so scared..." Melinda murmured. Phil laughed and they broke apart."Oh Mel. I missed you too. "I was planning on making it more romantic, but I can't wait." Phil turned to his bedside table and pulled out a small box. "Melinda. I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. "Melinda May, do you want to be my wife?" Phil asked. Melinda started to cry a little and then nodded. Then she sobbed, "Yes Phil! I want to be your wife!"

Melida May and Phillip Coulson Where stories live. Discover now