The bully

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I sigh as I heard the school bell ring, I packed up my stuff and walked out of the classroom.

I heard someone yell; 'Hi mate!' With an heavy Irish accent. That was Niall, my best friend since 6th grade.

'Hey Niall! How are you?' I asked him.

'I'm good what about you Lou?' He asked.

'Yeah I'm good too, what class do u have after lunch break?' I asked him

'I got English I think' Niall answered.

'Ugh I got maths, I don't understand a fuck from it. My highest grade is a D.' I said while I was irritated.

'Oh, that sucks.' He answered.

'Yeah it does.'

The school bell rang after Niall and Louis talked for about 10 minutes.
I was walking up to my class when I heard someone shout 'you're so gross Louis. No one likes gay people.' At me.

That was Harry. Harry styles. The guy who is bullying me for the last 4 years.

But also the guy I've had a massive crush on for the last 2 years...

I sighed.

I came out last year. Everyone was fine with it and no one really did anything. Some people were just surprised and asked me some questions.

But of course Harry started bullying me even more.

He punched me in the face once. I came home with a black eye. He got suspended for a week, that was the only week I felt safe at school.

'What do you want?' I asked him

'Definitely not you. Ur so pathetic!' He responded and he chuckled.

'Fuck you Harry.' I yelled at him.

Well I mean I did wanted to fuck him..

I started running away, until he grabbed me by my shoulder.

'Woah.. Not so fast Tomlinson, if I was you I wouldn't say that to me. You don't wanna get on my bad side.' Harry said with a grin on his face.

He looked so fucking hot. I literally wanted to kiss him so bad. But I got scared a bit.

And I ran to my maths class, even tho I knew Harry was in the same class as me. I needed to get away from him.

I was just on time. The bell rang when I walked into the classroom.

Math class was boring as hell, we just needed to make some exercises.

When the bell rang I tried to leave as quick as possible, but then my teacher told me to stay until everyone had left. I didn't know why but I did.

'Louis because your grades are so low, I'm getting you a tutor. If you don't, I don't think you will make it trough the year.' She told me

I sighed and said 'I mean, if it helps, sure.' Even tho I really didn't want to.
The next day Louis went to school again.
I arrived at school, got to my locker and I grabbed some books out of my locker and put them in my bag.

I got up and I walked up to Niall. We had 2 classes together. PE and biology.

It was a Thursday so that meant we had PE for the first 2 periods of the day.
The day was almost over, I only had maths left. So that also meant meeting my new tutor..

My teacher told me to stay after the lesson so I could meet him.

The bell rang and everyone got out of the classroom. I waited for my teacher to show up with my new tutor.

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