you want me to call you sir but, I want you zhan ge

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AIYAAAHHHHHH!!!! I'M BACK WITH ANOTHER ONE SHOT!!!!!! (with 13k words! 🤭✨)


Maybe its his lack of sleep eyes that is tricking him or either he is looking on a different list because why the fuck his name is not on the list. The Xiao Zhan not on the list?

Xiao Zhan stepped forward to squint his eyes better on the said paper that is glued on the bulletin board in front of him

But whatever ways he had tried, his name remained unseen on the list

Xiao zhan was about to ask the stranger student beside him if the list is right but a voice behind him halted his movement

"Looks like the great Xiao zhan is not on the list" a mocking voice said accompanied by slow claps of palm

Xiao zhan turned around and there, standing with his minions, yang yang stood with that ugly smirk on his face

As you see, yang yang had been considered by everyone as Xiao zhan's number one enemy ever since except Xiao zhan himself. Yes, yang yang acts rudely when it comes to Xiao zhan but he never really takes all of it to heart. Since the start, he just politely ignored yang yang and focused on his studies. Which is also why, it's a shock to Xiao zhan that his name was not on the list

He put his blood, sweat, and tears on reviewing every literature he could get his hands on for the preparation of the exam. The exam was so easy for him actually. He was sure that he did great and confident that he would pass the scholarship exam just this morning but it dissipated immediately evaporating into the cloudless sky

Isn't it all enough

Maybe it's enough but there's someone who manipulated the exam results.

Xiao zhan wince at the thought. He doesn't want to just jump into baseless conclusions but his gut is telling him that yang yang did it

It's not even impossible for yang yang to do such dirty things, the truth is there's a countless of times already.

And the fact that yang yang's family was quite influential especially his father who got connection because of its current work is not helping at all

"Just how the tables have turned. I'm now on the top list while you're not"

Xiao zhan can't control his self from feeling things. His human after all and could get annoyed then angry and furious when reached the limits

"Oh really" he barked back with much sarcasm that didn't leave unheard. Yang yang's confident smirk faltered

"Because I think someone actually manipulated the exam and exchanged our papers"

"You----take that back!" Yang yang shouted at him, obviously loosing his temper

"How dare you accuse him of such a thing!" One of yang yang's minions said

"Did I say his name? Who's accusing now and who's being accused huh"

"Xiao zhan!"

"Am I hitting all of your buttons now yang yang"

"Why don't you just admit that I'm way way more than you. Is your pride that high"

"Why would I admit something that isn't true"

"Stop this nonsense Xiao zhan"

"You stop your lies yang yang"

Students started to circle around them, hype at the fight that is going on. But dissipated afterwards as soon as fist started to exchange, they don't want to get involved after all and be taken their scholarship away. Others that do want to be on the good side of the teachers immediately ran to the dean's office to tell the commotion happening

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